Health and Safety

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and Assessments

Please complete the self assessment form available below.

ED 005 DSE Workstation checklist [PDF]

After you have completed the self-assessment form, we would advise that you contact your department's DSE Assessor if:

  • You are left with any questions
  • It has identified a change needed in the equipment or furniture you are currently using
  • You are aware of any health problems potentially related to your workstation.

The DSE Assessor will then meet you at your usual workstation to assess your needs and make recommendations.

Most adjusments (e.g. change of mouse or keyboard shape) can be organised locally through your School/Division. Where medical conditions or significant adjustments have been identified, you should speak to your Line Manager for an Occupational Health referal through HR. 

If you do not know who your local DSE Assessor is, please contact your Health and Safety Coordinator who will be able to advise you of the local process and Assessor. If you struggle to find a DSE Assessor through your Health and Safety Coordinator, please contact the Helath and Safety team at

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