Incident reporting
Find out how to report an accident, incident or near miss.
How to report an incident or near miss
If something happens that we should know about, log the incident on Sussex Direct.
Use Sussex Direct to log:
- Injuries to any member of the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« received during work activity on or off site.
- Injuries to any person on site (using the web form at the bottom of this page).
- Near misses: Defined as circumstances or events that did not cause harm but had or have the potential to cause injury or ill health. This includes incidents that are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as a dangerous occurrence. Additional reading with regards to near miss reporting is available from the .
- Incidents that have caused serious disruption to University activity, such as road closures, roof leaks or becoming trapped in a lift.
Find more information on making a report by checking our Incident Reporting Instructions.
Incidents resulting in time of (including work related stress) should be reported as a sickness absence on the University MyView system.
Your personal data will be processed according to the University’s Privacy notice and will only be shared with members of the Health and Safety team and relevant people required to resolve safety issues.
If you need immediate assistance on campus, call Security on 01273 (87)3333.
Reports logged on this system are accessible to Health and Safety Coordinators and the University Health and Safety team. Medical information from First Aiders should not be added to reports. Data from incident reports are used to spot trends and inform recommendations on potential safety improvements. This system is also sometimes refered to as an accident book when mentioned in training.
Incidents can also be reported directly to your local Health & Safety Coordinator.
If there is a problem with a building or part of our estate, and works are outstanding, log these first of all with SEF, email: If there is a significant risk to people, these incidents can also be logged on the Sussex Direct system.
If this incident relates to student behaviour it can also be logged via the tool. Reports appropriate for this tool would include threats, poor driving, violence on or off campus and other inappropriate behaviours.
- Incident investigation and follow-up process
Incidents are assigned a category by the Health and Safety team:
- Level 1 incidents can be investigated by a Health and Safety Coordinator, Manager or member of the Estates team and any findings and action should be recorded on the Sussex Direct incident system with additional files, if required, stored in the Box folder assigned for the incident.
- Level 2 incidents are of a more serious nature and formally investigated by either a member of the Health and Safety team or in some cases a Health and Safety Coordinator (depending on severity of incident and Health and Safety Coordinator expertise) and should be recorded on the Level 2 incident investigation template. The completed Level 2 incident investigation should be stored in the Box folder assigned for the incident along with any additional files relating to the incident.
- Level 3 incidents are investigated by the Health and Safety team. Level 3 incidents are where either the complexity of the incident or the potential harm requires a more detailed investigation. Level 3 incident investigations will be conducted by a team of Health and Safety practitioners, and other staff as appropriate.
- Incidents involving behaviours such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination
The ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for every member of its community. If you or someone else has experienced behaviours such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination, you can let us know using this
Please contact the Health and Safety team if you need assistance.
Visitors, Undergraduate Students, Contractors
If you are a visitor to the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«, or a student without a Sussex Direct log-in, you can fill in this form to report an incident.
This includes SEF staff who do not have access to Sussex Direct or other University IT.