Research and knowledge exchange

Demand managed funding calls

Demand managed funding calls are those where the number of applications an institution can submit or the number of awards the funder will make is limited. In these cases, the University is required to coordinate internal review processes to preselect the applications which can be submitted to the funder for consideration.

Open calls with demand management

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Round 10

UKRI has issued a for Round 10 of the Future Leaders Fellowship call. The UKRI call opens on 3 February 2025 with a deadline of 18 June 2025.

Sussex is able to submit 4 proposals therefore an internal selection process is needed. There will be a two stage selection process; the first stage will be undertaken at Faculty level and each Faculty selection panel will nominate up to 4 expressions of interest for consideration at a central cross-faculty panel.

The completed Sussex FLF R10 internal application form [DOCX 45.42KB] should be submitted to by 12 noon on 17 February 2025.     

UKRI requires all institutions to provide anonymous EDI monitoring data on all interested applicants so please ensure you complete the .

Please speak to your Research Development Manager in Research and Innovation Services if you are interested in applying.

Research and Innovation Services hosted a webinar on 31 January 2025 with presentations from Sussex FLF awardees and academics who have been involved in the UKRI Sift and Interview panels. The webinar was and the UKRI FLFR10 webinar slides 31Jan2025 [PDF 1.31MB] are available to potential applicants.

Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Awards

of up to £1M are available for talented scholars who are embarking on a university career and need to build a team to address a distinct research problem.  Institutions are limited to a single bid therefore an internal selection process is needed.  Each Faculty can nominate a single bid which will be reviewed by a central panel chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation.

Interested applicants should discuss a potential bid with their School Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange or Faculty Associate Dean Research and Innovation.  The faculty nominated bid must be submitted on the Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership internal application form [DOCX 29.24KB] to Debbie Foy by 12 noon on 31 March 2025.  

EPSRC Strategic Infrastructure

The  provides minimum funding of £400k for institutions to purchase strategic infrastructure including equipment, resources, or both.

EPSRC expects institutions to take a strategic approach to prioritise applications which are of the highest strategic importance as institutions can submit no more than six applications in the period 18 June 2024 to 18 June 2025.

If you are interested in applying to this scheme please discuss with your Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange and Debbie Foy.

MRC Centres of Research Excellence - Round 3

Round 3 of the MRC call for is now open and institutions can only submit a single bid.

MRC CoREs will support bold and ambitious research focused on a defined challenge. Tackling such challenges will be transformative to biomedical research, health research or both within 14 years, and will enhance approaches to the prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, improving health and wellbeing for all.

Following a call for Expressions of Interest a preferred application has been selected for development ahead of MRC's outline deadline of 13 February 2025

NERC Pushing the Frontiers

NERC's is looking to fund ambitious, high risk and high reward curiosity-driven projects in environmental research.  NERC's deadline is 21 January 2025.  Sussex can submit a single application.

Following a call for Expressions of Interest, a candidate has been selected for January 2025 deadline.

The next NERC deadline for this call will be in July 2025 and the internal selection process will open in February 2025.

Future calls with known demand management

Royal Society Faraday Discovery Fellowships

The are prestigious long-term awards that will support emerging research leaders to undertake high-quality, original research. The programme is aimed at outstanding mid-career STEM researchers and will provide grants of up to £8M over a ten-year period.

The Royal Society does not limit institutions in the number of bids it can submit, however, there is an expectation that institutions will only submit the the highest quality applications to this new scheme - the RS intends to offer 7 awards per round.

The deadline has passed for round 1, however the Royal Society has indicated that future rounds will open annually in Agust.

Details on the internal selection process will be added in due course.