Health and Safety

First Aid - Managers Quick Guide

This guide is to support line managers in implementing their responsibilities for first aid provision at the University. It is in the form of 'What do I need to know as a line manager?'

Further arrangements and guidance can be accessed in the First Aid Policy and First Aid Guidance documents.

What do I need to tell new starters about first aid?

As part of the induction process line managers should ensure staff are informed:

  • How to summon local first aid (in and out of working hours)
  • How to contact Security or the Medical Response Team if support or emergency services are required
  • Where their local first aid kit is
  • Where their local defibrillator is
  • How to report first aid incidents
  • How to raise concerns regarding first aid provision

Managers can utilise the HSG061 University Health and Safety Induction.

What do I need to tell current staff about first aid?

Line managers should ensure current staff are aware of:

  • How to summon local first aid (in and out of working hours)
  • How to contact Security or the Medical Response Team if support or emergency services are required
  • Where their local first aid kit is
  • Where their local defibrillator is
  • How to report first aid incidents
  • How to raise concerns regardin first aid

Line managers should ensure any changes to the above is clearly communicated with their staff.

A team member would like to volunteer as a campus First Aider.

Line managers should encourage staff to volunteer as First Aiders, whilst considering staff's ability and availability as this role requires on campus working with sufficient time and resources to train, maintain competency and attend first aid incidents.

Discuss with your School or Divisions Health and Safety Coordinator to determine whether further First Aiders are required in your area/ building and what level of first aid training is required. If agreed, invite your staff member to sign up to a first aid course via Learn Upon.

A team member would like to volunteer as a member of the Medical Response Team (MRT).

The MRT respond to first aid incidents across campus, not just in their local areas. The role is voluntary and additional to their contracted University role.

Therefore line managers need to approve their staff joining the MRT prior to their commencement in the volunteering role. Approval to take part in the MRT should not be ‘unreasonably withheld’ i.e., only refused in exceptional circumstances, and line managers should raise any issues with HR about the reasons why to ensure it is fair.

There may be additional time duties, time to train, attendance of first aid incidents which should be discussed with the team member, line manager, MRT Leads and HR, if appropriate.

Do I need extra first aid provision (First Aiders, kit etc.)?

As part of any risk assessment first aid provision should be considered. The University’s First Aid Needs Assessment has determined provision for ‘day to day’ University activity, therefore where the activity entails hazards associated with ‘day to day’ university activity there is no need to consider extra provision.

Where the activity of your team introduces new and significant risks to the University (examples of such below), the line manager is responsible for ensuring the First Aid Needs Assessment Tool Document has been completed.

Examples but not an exhuastive list:

  • Research including psychological studies, risk of fainting, risk of participant injury, use of hazardous equipment etc.
  • Events of large scale, out of hours, inclusive of hazardous activities, non-university member attendees, children/ young people etc.
  • There have been significant first aid incidents with the same activity previously
  • Lone working
  • Field work (including overseas travel)

For further information on the above examples see HS C405-2 First Aid Safety Code of Practice.

How does my team get the extra provision we have identified?

The Health and Safety Team will provide standard first aid provision (detailed in the University's HS F401 First Aid Needs Assessment).

Additional first aid training and kit to the standard should be procured, coordinated and managed locally by the School/ Division.

Supplies (kits and equipment) can be purchased from St Johns Ambulance (available on Unit 4 Finance system). Contact the Health and Safety Team for the University account number and any support before ordering. 

Contact the Health and Safety Team for details of the approved First Aid training supplier. Ensure Health & Safety Coordinators are involved to manage a local record of these First Aiders, which can be shared to the Health and Safety Team if First Aiders wish to join the Central First Aider Register.