School of Education and Social Work

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

In the School of Education and Social Work (ESW) we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) practices and policies. We want all staff and students to experience our School as a space that enables them to meet their potential and to thrive. We are particularly interested in active work to address inequalities produced around the specific intersections of gender, race, and disability.

EDI activity in our School is mapped to the University’s EDI Strategy. This has four main priorities:

  1. EQUAL SUSSEX Reduce the gap in representation, experience, progression and reward between those with and without protected characteristics.
  2. DIVERSE SUSSEX Be a place that celebrates diversity and tolerance and fosters good relations in our own and the wider community.
  3. ACCESSIBLE SUSSEX Provide equal access to excellent learning, research and employment opportunities regardless of physical or unseen disabilities.
  4. FLEXIBLE SUSSEX Become an organisation that is flexible by default to ensure we are inclusive in everything we do

You can find out more about the Inclusive Sussex vision, leadership and activities on the Sussex Equality, Diversity and Inclusion website.

Alka TownendWe aim to collate the views of everyone in our community to support, review and develop our approaches to EDI. Every term, EDI Lead,  invites all staff and Postgraduate Researchers to attend the "EDI Forum" (EDIF). This open meeting provides attendees with the opportunity to share ideas and offer feedback on new initiatives. Feedback from the Forum is shared with the "EDI Steering Group" - comprised of representatives from each Department, a professional services represenantive and a Postgraduate Researcher, along with Alka. The Steering Group agree on which actions to prioritise, share these with the School's School Leadership Team, and then take agreed initiatives forward.

EDI is also tabled at every School Student Experience Group (SSEG) meeting which is attended by representatives from each course (Student Reps). Details of initiatives are shared with attending Student Reps for discussion, whilst also giving Student Reps the opportunity to share their own ideas if they have them. The School is currently exploring the possibility of having an EDI Student Rep, the opportunity for which will be given to all students and relevant training provided to the successful applicant.

Anyone wishing to know more about or wanting to attend an EDIF should look out for emails from Alka, or contact her directly: Please also contact Alka to discuss a specific EDI issue.

What EDI training is available?

The University’s online training platform Learn Upon offers a range of mandatory and optional courses for staff. These include Diversity in the Workplace, Trans and non-binary awareness and the Impact of Micro Behaviours. The University hold a variety of events to commemorate

In ESW we also hold a range of additional Events and Training for staff and students. This has included hosting speakers on Race Equality, Neurodiversity and Disability Awareness. We are always open to ideas so if there is an area you would like us to focus on or a speaker you’d like us to invite, please contact Alka.

What about support and relevant networks?

The University offers a range of other networks, services and points of contact including the LGBT+, BAME, Trans and Non-Binary, and Disability staff networks.

See also the University's Dignity, Respect and Inclusion policy.

Students and staff can also access support via the University's  platform.

As staff, if I have a question or something of concern related to EDI, what should I do?

EDI Director, , can be contacted if you have a question or concern around EDI. This could range from a question around appropriate terminology or suggesting a speaker or celebration event.

You can also contact us in the first instance if you are experiencing bullying, harassment or discrimination and we can listen in confidence and signpost appropriately. Your line manager, head of department or unit, union representative or HR rep can also offer advice and guidance.

Outside of the School, is the University’s online tool, for you to find support, report anonymously or ask to speak to an adviser in relation to topics such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination. 

As a student, if I have a question or something of concern related to EDI, what should I do?

EDI Director, , can be contacted if staff members have a question or concern around EDI. This might be a query about appropriate terminology, or a suggestion for an initiative, and event, or a speaker.

Students can contact the School's Directors of Student Experience, and/or [] if they are experiencing bullying, harassment or discrimination. DoSEs will listen, discuss options in confidence, and signpost appropriately. Academic Advisors, course or module leads, and the Student Union can also offer advice and guidance to students.

Outside of the School, is the University’s online tool, for you to find support, report anonymously or ask to speak to an adviser in relation to topics such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination.