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Research Fellows

Adam Barrett
Epsrc Research Fellow & Postdoctoral Researcher in the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science

Ben du Boulay
Emeritus Professor of Artificial Intelligence
HCI; Instruction; Learning; Representation
Jenny Bourne Taylor
Emeritus Professor of English
History of psychology, 18th and 19th century theories of consciousness, psychology and literature

Visiting Professor (Informatics) and Artist in Residence at the Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics
Art and Artificial Intelligence; Art and Artificial Life; Art and Cognition

Rob Clowes
Tutorial Fellow and Visiting Research Fellow in Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Cognitive Science

Anna Dumitriu
Visiting Research Fellow (The Wellcome Trust Centre for Global Health Research at Brighton and Sussex Medical School)
Biomedicine, microbiology, history of medicine, health and disease

Visiting Research Fellow (Informatics)
Minimal forms of life and cognition, adaptive behaviour, self-maintaining systems, computational modelling

Alice Eldridge
Teaching Fellow in Computer Music (Informatics) and Research Fellow (Evolution, Behaviour and Environment)

David Gamez
Research Fellow (Informatics) and Visiting Research Fellow (Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science)

Jeremy Niven
Research Fellow (Neuroscience, Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics)
Niven Lab
Animal behaviour, Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Behavioural choice, Behavioural Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Evolutionary biology, neuroethology, Sensor Integration, Sensory receptors, Systems neuroscience

David Schwartzman
Research Assistant (Informatics) and Lab Manager (Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science)

Visiting Senior Research Fellow (Informatics)

Des Watson
Visiting Research Fellow (Informatics)
High-level language compilers, especially in aspects of code generator design and implementation; Medical computing, particularly in computer support for nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy
Blay Whitby
Associate Tutor (Engineering and Design, Informatics) and Visiting Lecturer (Centre for Cognitive Science)

Andrew Wuensche
Visiting Research Fellow (Informatics, Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems)
Personal webpage
Cellular automata, Boolean networks, discrete dynamics, complex systems
Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Cassandra Gould
Visiting Research Fellow (Clinical Medicine) and Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science)
Research Students and Associate Tutors
Rukayah Alhedayani
Doctoral Research Student, School of English
Education, Linguistics, Culture, Pragmatics, Semantics, Syntax, Cross-linguistic analysis, Corpus Linguistics

Sam Freed
Research Student (Informatics, Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems Group) and Associate Tutor (informatics)
Claire Lancaster
Research Student
Neuroscience, Psychology, Attention, Neuro-imaging, Memory
Research Student and Associate Tutor (Media and Film)
Creativity, Culture, Artificial Life, Artificial Intelligence, Comedy
Jordan Raine
DPhil Student (Psychology, Mammal Vocal Communication and Cognition Research Group)

Michael Schartner
Research Student (Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science) and Associate Tutor (Informatics)

Maxine Sherman
Research Student (Psychology and Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science) and Associate Tutor (Psychology)

Ashish Umre
Associate Tutor (Informatics)
Personal webpage
Swarm Intelligence, Self Oraganising Complex Systems, Sociobiology, Multi-Agent Systems