As our faculty often specialise in more than one field and many research areas of cognitive science overlap, listed faculty are only loosely grouped into the following fields and may well identify with other research areas.
Browse Faculty by Subject:
Adaptive Systems and Artificial Life

Phil Husbands
Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial evolution, robotics, evolutionary algorithms, computational neuroscience, computer manipulation of sound and image, history and philosophy of AI, machine learning

Thomas Nowotny
Professor of Informatics
Dynamical systems theory, statistics and hybrid systems, information processing in nervous systems

Reader in Informatics
Computational biology, Computational neuroscience, Computer vision & image processing - Pattern recognition, Evolutionary computation, Insect navigation, Navigation, Robotics
Artificial Intelligence and Computing

Chris Chatwin
Professor in Engineering
Case-based reasoning, computer vision, intelligent agents, machine learning, pattern recognition, artificial life

Peter Cheng
Professor of Cognitive Science
Nature of representational systems, cognitive processes of drawing and writing

Judith Good
Reader in Informatics
Educational simulations and games, constructivist learning environments, artificial intelligence and education, support tools and environments for novice programmers, external representations in reasoning and problem-solving

Novi Quadrianto
Lecturer in Machine Learning (Informatics)
Statistical machine learning, Bayesian methods, computer vision, and kernel methods

Donia Scott
Visiting Professor (Informatics)
Personal webpage
Computational linguistics; cognitive linguistics; bioinformatics

Sharon Wood
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence (Informatics)
Computational modelling, human decision-making, psychophysical processes and their limitations to higher level, cognitively based, complex knowledge-based reasoning
Arts, Humanities and Education

Celia Hunt
Emeritus Reader in Continuing Education (Creative Writing)
Cognitive poetics of the creative writing process

Maria Lauret
Reader in English & American Literature
Multilingualism, migration and subjectivity in the Americas

Thor Magnusson
Lecturer in Music
Composition, Computational Creativity, Computer Music, Creative Coding, Human computer interaction, Music, Music Technology, Performance, Software Engineering

Sally-Jane Norman
Director of the Attenborough Centre Forthe Creative Arts
Embodiment and Technologies, Performing Arts, Practice-based research, Scenography,Sonic Arts, Theatre History

James Williams
Lecturer in Education
Creationism and Evolution in Education, History and Philosophy of Science, Initial Teacher Education, Science Education, Teaching 'the nature of science' & 'the scientific method',Teaching and Learning
Biology and Neuroscience

Luc Berthouze
Senior Lecturer in Informatics
Mathematical neuroscience, time series analysis, network analysis, EEG, EMG, criticality, coordination, synchronization, motor control

Chair in Psychiatry
Cognitive Neuroscience, Consciousness, Emotion, Mental health (Human disease),Neuroimaging, neuropsychiatry, Neuroscience (Human disease), Psychophysiology

Paul Graham
Reader (Evolution, Behaviour and Environment)
Animal behaviour, Learning, Memory, navigation, neuroethology, social insect biology,Vision

Daniel Colaco Osorio
Professor of Neuroscience
Animal behaviour, colour vision, evolution of communication

Anil Seth
Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Consciousness, EEG, Neuroimaging, neuropsychiatry,
Neuropsychology, Psychology, Time Series, Virtual Reality

Natasha Sigala
Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience
Ageing, Attention, Categorisation, Cognitive Neuroscience, Executive Functions,Expertise, Learning, Memory, Prefrontal Cortex, Psychology, Visual perception
Engineering, Design and Human-Computer Interaction

Kate Howland
Lecturer in Interaction Design
Computer science, education, learning, Human-computer interaction, creativity

Lynne Cahill
Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics
Lexical representation, phonology and morphology

Lynne Murphy
Reader in Linguistics
Lexicology, lexical semantics and pragmatics, and lexicography --studying phenomena related to word meaning and how word meanings are learnt and stored in the mind

Maggie Boden
Professor of Cognitive Science
Creativity, purpose, freedom, personality, history and philosophy of cognitive science, social Implications

Ron Chrisley
Reader in Philosophy
Animal cognition; cognitive architecture, concepts and non-conceptual content, consciousness, creativity, emotion, machine learning, philosophy of computation, philosophy of mind, representation, embodiment

Sarah Sawyer
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Anti-individualism, Content, Empty Names, Entitlement, Epistemology, Externalism,Fiction, Individualism, Internalism,
Language & Philosophical Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy Of Mind, Warrant
Psychology and Psychiatry

Robin Banerjee
Professor of Developmental Psychology
Psychology, education, social cognition, cognitive development

Professor of Psychology
Experimental psychology, computational modelling; implicit learning, consciousness, unconscious knowledge, connectionism, hypnosis and Bayesian statistics

Ben Dyson
Lecturer in Psychology
Attention, Creativity, Representation, Perception, Electroencephalography (EEG)

Andy Field
Professor of Child Psychopathology
Anxiety, child development, Emotion, Statistical Methodology

Alan Garnham
Professor of Experimental Psychology
Psycholinguistics, psychology of reasoning, mental models theory

Graham Hole
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Attention, cognitive development, human factors, visual perception, representation, face recognition

Marv Khammash
Lecturer in Marketing (Business and Management)
Anthropology, philosophy, psychology, attention, decision making, emotion, memory, cross-cultural analysis, human experimentation, mathematical modelling, statistics

David Reby
Reader in Psychology
Animal behaviour, Animal Cognition, Babies' cries, Evolution of communication,Experimental psychology, Human Vocalisations, Psychology, Sexual communication, Vocal anatomy, Vocal communication, Voice & Gender

Nicola Yuill
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Social cognitive development, children and technology, collaboration, autism