Vice Chancellor's Office

Vice-Chancellor's expenses

The Vice-Chancellor and President of the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«, Professor Sasha Roseneil, voluntarily publishes her work expenses.

The information dates back to August 2022, which is when she took up her post.

We include details of travel, accommodation, hospitality and conference fees incurred by the Vice-Chancellor in carrying out her role for the University.

In reporting this expenditure, transactions are identified by reviewing the Vice-Chancellor’s out-of-pocket expense claims, corporate purchasing card use and the corporate purchasing card use of the Vice-Chancellor’s EA. These expenses will not include travel that is paid for by other University functions.  

In addition, we publish details of the Vice-Chancellor’s pay and benefits in our annual financial statement.

The Vice-Chancellor does not have a vehicle or accommodation paid for by the University.

Current academic year

Expenditure incurred during the 2023/2024  academic year will be published quarter by quarter, starting with Q1 (August-October).

Vice Chancellor Expenses Q1 – Q4 2023/2024

 Q1 2023/24
Q2 2023/24
Q3 2023/24
Q4 2023/24
Travel* £576 £393 £545 £931 £2,445
Accommodation & subsistence £0 £420 £0 £1,109 £1,528
Conference attendance fees £0 £0 £325 £0 £325
Hospitality £0 £0 £123 £0 £123
Total £576 £813 £994 £2,040 £4,422

Vice Chancellor Expenses Q1 – Q4 2022/2023

 Q1 2022/23
Q2 2022/23
Q3 2022/23
Q4 2022/23
Travel* £274 £189 £212 £897 £1,572
Accommodation & subsistence £0 £0 £112 £0 £112
Conference attendance fees £905 £0 £0 £913 £1,817
Hospitality £0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Total £1,179 £189 £324 £1,809 £3,501