2022 Boost your career prospects – work placements in the School of Global Studies
This webinar was presented by and provided an overview of the unique research placement option available to students studying in the School of Global Studies.
It features current student, Phoebe Marsh (pictured and studying Gender, Violence and Conflict MA) and Mishal Mathews (former Socal Development MA student), who will discuss their placement experiences and tips on the process. .

2022 Sample lecture
Getting Home During Lockdown: Circular migration and hyper-precarity in rural Tamil Nadu, India, at the time of Covid-19
This lecture unpacks the fate of Indian circular labour migrants at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The talk aims to provides an insight into how migrants’ hyper-precarity became further entrenched and reinforced during the Covid-19 crisis.
This lecture is presented by (pictured), an expert on Social Anthropology and South Asian studies.
2023 Placement Session - Boost your career prospects
Join Dr Su Richards, Placement and Employability Officer, as she talks through the work placements available through the School of Global Studies. Current students and alumni will also talk about their experience on their placement, such as pictured alumnus Seonyeong Baek from South Korea, Mishal Mathews from India and current student Berta Jimenez Santos from Spain.
2023 Undergraduate Development Studies at Sussex
, Professor in Anthropology and International Development, will provide guidance on studying Development Studies as an Undergraduate through the School of Global Studies.
Alumni included Finlay Wilson from the UK; Karuna Kurian from India; Nishant Bhakta from the USA, Analyst at Dasra India.
Current students were also be present: Tess Kester from Netherlands, Sayaka Kito from Japan, and Yashwi Rathod from India
2023 Global Studies sample lecture - ‘What is Poverty?’
, Lecturer in Anthropology, gave a sample lecture.
2023 Global Studies Postgraduate and Alumni Careers Webinar
leads a discussion about Postgraduate experiences and career opportunities of School of Global Studies Alumni.
Alumni include Zoe Mafoko from South Africa, Assistant Programme Officer at The Commonwealth; The pictured Temilade Bukola Salami from Nigeria, Executive Director at EcoChampions; Shilpa Sharma from India, Inclusion Consultant at The Association for Science Education; Shonosuke from Japan, working at JICA; Yoshino Okamura from Japan, Service Engineer at HP.
Current students will also be present: Jazlin Zakri from Malaysia, Sharika Tasnim from Bangladesh and Yi Hsuan Hseih from Taiwan.
2023 Webinar for students in Latin America
Join Luis Ananguren, Our previous Senior International Officer for the Americas, and students from Chile, Mexico and Brazil, for a special Spanish language webinar about SPRU courses, student experience and careers.
2023 Instagram Live Session
We held an interactive Instagram Live session hosted by our International Officer, Alice McCallum, where you can ask any questions you have for academics, current international students including the pictured Sharika, and alumni about coming and studying at the School of Global Studies at Sussex.
2024 Live Masterclass - Four Myths about Global Poverty
A one hour masterclass delivered by Becky Prentice, Reader in Anthropology and International Development at the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«, on the topic of Global Poverty.
Developing solutions to global poverty requires that we understand its real causes. This masterclass confronted the awkward truth that despite best intentions, the institutions, structure and practices of ‘development’ can contribute to growing inequality, poverty, and marginalisation of communities in the global South. Understating how and why this is the case helps us devise inclusive and empowering anti-poverty approaches.
This session allowed for Q&A at the end to find out more about Poverty, Anthropology, Global Studies or studying here at Sussex.
2024 Live Masterclass - Decolonising Development
In this masterclass, lecturer Dr Suda Perera considered what it meant to Decolonise Development – by unpacking knowledge, power and identity and how we can unlearn the ways of thinking that result in the inadvertent reproduction of colonial oppression.
This masterclass showed how decolonising is not just a set of discrete actions (such as adding more voices from the Global South to reading lists, or DEI boards), but is rather an on-going process of changing structures and mindsets.With a specific focus on what it means to learn decolonially at Global Studies, the masterclass went through three elements of the process: decolonising the University, diversifying ways of learning, and demythologising academic orthodoxies.
2024 Live Masterclass - Gender and violence: Connections and Intersections
A one hour masterclass, delivered by Lyndsay McLean, Reader in Anthropology and International Development.
This masterclass considered the ways in which violence and gender inter-relate. To what extent is violence used to maintain gender inequalities? To what extent is violence gendered in its causes, dynamics and consequences? How are different forms of structural, political and interpersonal violence connected? How do violences based on gender and other social categories such as race and sexuality intersect? Looking at the common drivers of violence, how violence begets violence and how violence is shaped by social and structural context.
The School of Global Studies offers several development courses, including: