Funders Electronic Submission Systems
Many funders now operate electronic systems (e-Systems) for the submission of applications (and in some cases, for award management). These will require applicants (PI’s and/or lead organisations, if the proposal is collaborative), to have a registered account on their e-System, and for the institution where the applicant is based to verify and submit the proposal. In applying for funding, you should therefore familiarise yourself with the funder’s submission system and ensure that you (and the University) is setup to use it. If you and/or the University is not yet registered, please ensure you do not leave this too close to the submission deadline as this can take some time to setup.
A list of major research funders with links to their e-System is set out below:
- UK Research Councils
You will only be able to create and submit grant applications in (UKRI Funding Service) if you have a registered account. If you are not a registered user,
- British Academy
Applications to the are managed through their system. If you are not a registered user, .
- Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
Applications to are managed through their Flexi-grant system. To login or register for a login, go to their page
For information their application procedures go to .
- Leverhulme Trust
Applications to the are managed through their electronic grant application system. To login or register for a login, go to their .
- Horizon Europe
All Horizon Europe Open Calls are displayed in the ‘Funding Opportunities’ section of the Proposals are submitted electronically via the Participant Portal. The submission service can be accessed via the call / topic you are applying to.
To log in to the Participant Portal and submit a proposal to Horizon Europe, you need to have an EU Login account. To create an EU Login account . Fill in the required fields and click ‘Create an account’. An email will be sent to the email address you have registered to confirm your registration.
- Royal Society
Applications to the are managed through their system. To log in or register for an account, go to .
- Wellcome Trust
Applications to the are managed through their Grant Management system. or for a Wellcome Funding account.
Additionally, help and guidance is available from your Research Development Manager.