Academic Skills Workshops and Support
See what we cover in our academic skills workshops
- Video transcript
This is an image based video with music playing in the foreground. The text below are the titles that appear on the screen:
Academic Skills Workshops
You can attend a workshop or webinar run by experienced Academic Skills Consultants
Book your place on the skills hub
Academic writing style
Improving your essay (editing)
Critical thinking
Academic reading and note making
Essay writing – planning and structuring
Essay writing – developing an argument
Time management
Revision and exams
Academic Skills Workshops and Webinars
You can attend a workshop or webinar run by experienced Academic Skills Consultants:
Spring Workshops (on campus)
Wed 5th Feb 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 12th Feb 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 19th Feb 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 26th Feb 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 5th Mar 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 12th Mar 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 19th Mar 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 26th Mar 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 2nd Apr 1:30-2:30pm
Wed 9th Apr 1:30-2:30pm
Spring Workshops (Online)
Thurs 6th Feb 2pm-3pm
Thurs 13th Feb 2pm-3pm
Thurs 20th Feb 2pm-3pm
Thurs 27th Feb 2pm-3pm
Thurs 6th Mar 2pm-3pm
Thurs 13th Mar 2pm-3pm
Thurs 20th Mar 2pm-3pm
Thurs 27th Mar 2pm-3pm
Thurs 3rd Apr 2pm-3pm
Thurs 10th Apr 2pm-3pm
Tues 18th Feb 12pm-1pm
Thurs 27th Feb 10am-11am
Tues 11th Mar 12pm-1pm
Thurs 20th Mar 10am-11am
Tues 25th Mar 12pm-1鈥痯m
Thurs 3rd April 10am-11am
You can catch-up on any online sessions by joining our and watching our workshop recordings
Student Mentors
Student Mentors are second and third year undergraduates and postgraduate students who have been trained to offer advice and support to other students. Mentors can offer you advice and support on a range of issues including how to manage your time or improve your study skills. They can also point you in the right direction for other support services at the university. Ask in your School Office about mentors in your school.
The Student Centre
The is a great place to access student facilities, to study and meet friends.
Discover the spaces and services available to you, the building is open 24/7, and is staffed by security after 5pm and during weekends.
English Language for Academic Study
English Language for Academic Study (ELAS) offers help for students working in English as an additional language. This includes: workshops, which cover aspects of Academic English, including culture and practice (study skills); ; and ‘time to write’ sessions. Our aim is to help students who have English as an additional language to continue to develop their English Language and to adapt to UK academic study.
It takes a while to improve language skills, so it is a good idea to make time for this alongside your academic studies throughout the academic year. The workshops, tutorials and ‘time to write’ sessions will help you do this in an enjoyable and supportive environment.
Find further information and how to book on .
Library Support
We offer workshops and one-to-one training to support you with your research. Sign up to our .
Workshops include:
- Improving your research skills for assignments and dissertations.
- Referencing and reference management software.
- Evaluating sources.
- Working with grey literature including cases/legislation, government documents, newspapers and more.
- Undertaking systematic or rapid reviews.
- Finding statistics and datasets.
- Managing your research data and writing data management plans.
- Introduction to AI
Workshops will take place in-person in the Library throughout the year. If you would like to receive updates when events are scheduled, Sign up to our mailing list.
One-to-One Support:
We can support you with training tailored to your specific research question. We can also provide support and training on any of the resources available through the library. You can book a one-to-one via the online booking form.
One-to-one Writing Support with the RLF
As part of the Royal Literary Fund’s Fellowship Scheme, the Library hosts three professional writers who offer one-to-one tutorials during term-time for any member of the university who wishes to improve their writing. Our 2024/25 RLF Fellows are , and .
can help with any aspect of the writing process, including planning, drafting, constructing an argument and editing. They are able to comment on the writing style of work in progress, allowing students to improve their work before submission.
To book an appointment, please email either Rebecca, Richard or Alison:
Monday or Tuesday appointments:
Wednesday or Thursday appointments:
Friday appointments (online only):
If English is not your first language, specialist one-to-one tutorials are available from .
Students may see the Fellow just once, or return for a subsequent tutorial if they want, subject to availability. In order to ensure other students can book appointments when they need them, please do not book to see more than one RLF Fellow. Appointments can be booked up to 28 days in advance.
The RLF Fellows are established professional writers of literary merit, representing a wide range of genres, including biography, scientific writing and fiction. The principal aim of the Fellows' work is to foster good writing practice across all disciplines and media. Students at every level of study can benefit from learning about good writing practice from a professional author.