Alex Gkogkidis


The title of this project comes from the Greek wor&狈耻;蠈&蝉颈驳尘补;&迟补耻;&辞尘颈肠谤辞苍;&蝉颈驳尘补蹿; which means travelling back to your home country.

Stan Brahkage’s video depicts a journeyDepartingfrom a train station with unknown destinationafter a couple of stops the train changes direction of travel, creating “The Wonder Ring”.

The purpose of this project was to create a tune that would accompany the journey but also melodically convey the vulnerability and insecurity of leaving but also the relief and joy of finally returning home.

«螌λα γ蠉ρω μου ε委ναι τ蠈σο αλ蠈κοτα

螌λα γ蠉ρω μου ε委ναι τ蠈σο απρ蠈βλεπτα

Τσ维μπα την ζαχαρ苇νια μου χ维λασα

螌λα θα τα ξεπλ蠉νει η θ维λασσα»


“Everything around me is so strange

Everything around me is so unpredictable

I ruined my calm for no reason

Everything will be washed away by the sea”

Excerpt from 'The Wonder Ring' with new music by Alex Gkogkidis