Here you will find information on the core equipment available to Filmmaking students at the 亚洲情色. For a full list of equipment please log into your SISO account.
- Sony PMW-X70 Kit
The Sony PMW-X70 camcorder is Compact, Lightweight XDCAM and loaded with professional functions for such a small camcorder. Facilities including XLR handle unit, Lens Hood, Flip out screen as well as view finder, 3G-SDI and HDMI output.In the Kit you are also supplied with a Sennheiser Directional microphone with Pistol Grip and wind shield, Headphones, batteries, charger and mains supply. You also have the option to take a Manfrotto tripod included with your kit]
- Sony PXW-FS5
The FS5 is considered to be a very compact cinema camera but produces high quality images and with the capability of recording 4K. The kit includes a full shoulder rig, matte box, follow focus, HD monitor and accessories. In addition your booking will provide you with 3 Samyang XEEN Cine Lenses and a Manfrotto tripod kit. It is currently available to MA Filmmaking, BA Filmmaking year 3 and BA Media Production year 3.
- Sony PMW-F55 Cinema Camera
This is our flagship camera, a top of the range cinema camera a model used within the high-end film & TV industry. It has the capability of recording in HD, 2K or 4K creating superb dynamic range and pristine image quality. Included in the kit is a full shoulder rigs, matte-box, Follow Focus, HD Monitor and accessories. In addition your booking will provide you with 3 Zeiss prime lenses and an Oconnor tripod and head. Currently, this camera kit is only available to MA Filmmaking students..
- Sony a7 III
This is a compact mirrorless digital camera with 4K capabilities. This camera has 邪 b邪褋k-褨llum褨n邪t械d 24.2-m械g邪褉褨褏械l Full-Fr邪m械 袝褏m芯r R 小袦袨袇 褨m邪g褨ng 褧械n褧芯r. 孝h械 褋邪m械r邪 f邪褋褨l褨t邪t械褧 4袣 袧DR v褨d械芯 褋邪褉tur械 邪nd 褋芯m械褧 w褨th 15-褧t芯褉褧 芯f d褍n邪m褨褋 r邪ng械. Furth械rm芯r械, 褨t 褨褧 褋邪褉邪bl械 芯f 褧h芯芯t褨ng stills at 10f褉褧, 芯ff械r褧 邪 f邪nt邪褧t褨褋 袉袇袨 fr芯m 100-51200 邪褧 w械ll 邪褧 5-邪褏褨褧 褨m邪g械 褧t邪b褨l褨褧邪t褨芯n 邪ll 褨n 邪 褧t褍l褨褧h, 褋芯m褉邪褋t m褨rr芯rl械褧褧 褧褍褧t械m 褋邪m械r邪 b芯d褍It offers full-褉褨褏械l r械邪d芯ut w褨th 邪b褧芯lut械l褍 n芯 b褨nn褨ng 褨n th械 35mm Full-Fr邪m械 m芯d械 m褨n褨m褨褧械 m芯褨ré 邪nd 褬邪gg褨械褧. 袨th械r b械n械f褨t褧 褧u褋h 邪褧 th械 F邪褧t 袧褍br褨d 袗F w褨th f芯褋邪l-褉l邪n械 褉h邪褧械-d械t械褋t褨芯n 袗F 邪nd 褋芯ntr邪褧t-d械t械褋t褨芯n 袗F d械l褨v械r 褧m芯芯th 褧ub褬械褋t tr邪褋k褨ng f芯r v褨d械芯 褋邪褉tur械. 袗dd褨t褨芯n邪ll褍, th械 袗F/袗袝 tr邪褋k褨ng 褨褧 fund邪m械nt邪ll褍 褧褨l械nt wh褨褋h 褨褧 褨d械邪l f芯rw褨ldl褨f械 r械褋芯rd褨ng f芯r b芯th 褧t褨ll 邪nd m芯v褨ng 褨m邪g械.The kit includes a full shoulder rig, follow focus, matte box, accessories and 3 Samyang prime lenses. This is available to BA Filmmaking year 3.
- Sony PXW Z90 and Z150
The PXW Z90 is the more compact of the two cameras here. The PXW-Z90V records in broadcast quality 4K footage in XAVC QFHD at 100Mbps, with responsive Fast Hybrid Auto Focus that tracks fast-moving subjects with ease. Up to 1000fps Super slow motion. Shoot, edit and view HDR content in HLG without the need for additional colour grading. The camera has great connectivity options with both HDMI and SDI.The slightly larger PXW Z150 was the world’s first professional camcorder to feature a 1.0 type stacked CMOS image sensor. This enables thecamera to have the ability to shoot at 120fps slow motion in Full HD and spectacular 4K recording. It also shoots brighter and a higher resolution and offers more bokeh with a shallow depth of field, allowing you to create beautiful, cinematic images.Recording ability is to variety of formats, frame rates, and codecs, the camcorder supports 100 Mb/s XAVC Long GOP recording of 4K UHD video at up to 29.97p, HD up to 59.94p, MPEG HD up to 59.94p, and AVCHD 2.0 up to 59.94p.As with most of our camera kits, these cameras will come supplied in a case with a Sennheiser Directional microphone with Pistol Grip and wind shield, Headphones, batteries, charger and mains supply. You also have the option to take a Manfrotto tripod included with your kit.
- Sony PXW X160
The PXW-X160 has three 1/3-inch type Exmor™ CMOS sensors and records Full HD XAVC Intra and XAVC Long GOP, as well as MPEG HD 422 50 Mbps MPEG HD 420 35 Mbps, AVCHD and DV, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.In the Kit you are also supplied with a Sennheiser Directional microphone with Pistol Grip and wind shield, Headphones, batteries, charger and mains supply. You also have the option to take a Manfrotto tripod and Lavalier Radio microphones included with your kit
- Camera support Equipment
We have a variety of dolly and tracks such as Hague D7 Ride On and the Key West (portable folding case) Magic Dolly, a Jib arm, DJI Ronin and Osmo stabilisers, Konova sliders in a range sizes and Manfrotto Fig Rig.
- Sound Equipment
We have a range of sound equipment available to Video and filmmaking students, you will find within your SISO account those you have access to. These will include soundrecorders such as the Sound Devices 664 and 633, Marantz PMD-661 and Zoom F8; microphones such as the Sennheiser MKH 416 and ME66/K6 both with wind protection gear, and Sony Radio wireless mic kit. There’s also a wide range of sound support equipment.
- Lighting
We have a wide range of lighting equipment including Dedo lights, Diva Kino Flow, 2K lights, LED Flat Panel (hard and flexible) lights and Redheads. Also portable and on camera lights and Gels and filters are also available. .