Research students
Kinda Al Sayed
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Amal Alzahrani
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Giuseppe Castiglione
Doctoral Tutor of Informatics
Doctoral Tutor of Informatics
Poppy Collis
Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
Justin Crow
SHL Research Fellow
SHL Research Fellow
Norbert Domcsek
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Kieran Gibb
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Pranav Indrakanti
Doctoral Tutor of Informatics
Doctoral Tutor of Informatics
Francesco Innocenti
Doctoral Tutor of Informatics
Doctoral Tutor of Informatics
Jak Kostrzanowski
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Yanze Liu
Associate Research Fellow
Associate Research Fellow
Nay Newman
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Hannah Oh
G6083 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
G6083 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
Shaun Ring
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Fernando Rodriguez Vergara
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Adam Rostowski
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Michael Taylor
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Marc Thatcher
G5029 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
G5029 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
Anthony Trory
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Aiden Valentine
G5115 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
G5115 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
Bo Wang
H7006 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
H7006 Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
Giles Winchester
Research Fellow in Machine Learning
Research Fellow in Machine Learning
Ziqi Yan
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Ahmed Younes
Doctoral Tutor
Doctoral Tutor
Kieran Young
Doctoral Tutor in Informatics
Doctoral Tutor in Informatics