
Who to contact

Find out who to contact if you need to report a safeguarding incident.

What to do in an emergency

Emergency situation Any person at immediate risk of harm to themselves or others can call: 
  • On campus - Security 01273 87(3333). They will contact the emergency services and guide them to the location of the incident.
  • Off campus - 999 for emergency response.

If the incident involves a student

ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« student

STEP 1: Non-Safeguarding incidents

If the circumstances of the incident indicate that this is NOT a Safeguarding incident, please forward details to

STEP 2: Imminent Risk ONLY

If you consider or anticipate that a student will be at serious risk of harm to themselves (cannot keep themselves safe) or of serious risk of harm to others within the next 24-72 hours, please instigate the Imminent Risk Protocol.

Please follow emergency response first as outlined in the box above if appropriate.

Between the hours of 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, please call the Imminent Risk phone number. (Stated within the procedure)

Out of these hours please contact Security on 01273 873333 if the student is on campus.

STEP 3: Potential Safeguarding incident

If you consider that this is a Safeguarding incident and may potentially require a referral to the local authority, please forward details to

Institute of Development Studies student

BSMS Student

Contact the LSO for BSMS and follow the  


International Study Centre (ISC)(Study Group) student

Contact Sussex ISC Emergency Phone - 07824 370 181 and follow ISC Safeguarding Policy which is available on Canvas for ISC staff and on the Study Group Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)


If the case involves a Sussex and BSMS student, or Sussex and ISC student then a meeting of key personnel from both organisations should be arranged immediately so that a joint approach can be agreed.

At this stage contact Head of Information Management and Compliance (Information Management) at for advice regarding information sharing.


If the incident involves a member of staff

ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« staff member


STEP 1: Emergency situations

In case of an emergency and if you become aware of a member of staff who is at an immediate risk of harm to themselves or others please call: 

  • On campus - Security 01273 87(3333). They will contact the emergency services and guide them to the location of the incident.
  • Off campus - 999 for emergency response.

STEP 2: Non-emergency situations

For non-emergency situations please contact the HR Local Safeguarding Officer and the Line Manager for the staff member in need of support (with their consent) for advice and assistance.

STEP 3: Safeguarding referral 

If you consider that this is a Safeguarding incident which may potentially require a referral to the local authority, please forward details to 

STEP 4: Non Safeguarding situations

If the circumstances of the incident indicate that this is NOT a Safeguarding incident, please forward details to 

The support listed below is available to all staff and full details can be located on the following webpage Human Resources : ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«

Employee Assistance Programme

Health Assured are a specialist highly professional organisation that can provide a range of help at difficult times. There is 24 hour / 365 days-a-year telephone helpline that can provide counselling and specialist advice on a range of matters.

Mental Health First Aid at Sussex: Staff wellbeing

Mental Health First Aiders are trained to listen non-judgementally, provide support and reassurance and signpost to appropriate professional services. If you are experiencing poor mental health - or are concerned about a colleague - talking to a trained Mental Health First Aider could help. Take a look through the profiles online to find someone you'd be comfortable talking to.

Please also notify Senior Safeguarding Officer (Colin Shipp)

Sussex Innovation Centre (SInC)

Contact HR Lead Monica Beckles 

Institute of Development Studies staff member

Contact the IDS Safeguarding Lead and follow  

BSMS staff member

Contact the LSO for BSMS and follow the 

International Study Centre (ISC)(Study Group) staff member

Contact Sussex ISC Emergency Phone - 07824 370 181 and follow ISC Safeguarding Policy which is available on Canvas for ISC staff and on the Study Group Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Students’ Union

Contact the USSU Safeguarding lead James Hann -