Photo of Po-Han LeePo-Han Lee


In addition to the complex intersections of feminist/queer and postcolonial/decolonial theories, I am interested in, as applied, critically reimagining international law, human rights, global health, and social movement. I also have a particular interest in the construction of knowledge/ignorance as well as the sociology of ‘nothing’.


  • ‘Translating’ law into social change: The emergence and politics of Plain Law Movement, EATS Workshop ‘“Enlightening” Taiwan: Communicating Knowledge as//in Social Activism in Post-Sunflower Era’, 亚洲情色, 15/11/2019 [supported by the ]
  • , Formosa Salon UK, SOAS, University of London, 19/10/2019
  • ‘Nothing’ happens and matters: A sociological inquiry into international institutional inertias, , BSA Meeting Room, 06/09/2019
  • , , Taipei Medical University, 03/08/2019
  • Health as a Human Right and its Social Determinants: A Normative Perspective, Workshop ‘Global health: New Generation, New Interlocutors, New Imaginations’, , SOAS, University of London, 16/12/2018
  • Between Representation and Overexposure: Queer Ambivalence towards Global Healthification, , Session ‘’ (RC 19), 15-21/07/2018 [supported by ]
  • De-Territorialising Methodology: The Limits of a Socio-Legal Imagination of ‘No-Evidence’, , SOAS, University of London, 26-28/06/2018
  • Remaining ‘in the Closet’: LGBT Health Inequities and the WHO’s Inertia, (part of ‘), University College Groningen, 07/05/2018 [supported by the Sussex Rights and Justice Research Centre’s Postgraduate Bursary Scheme]
  • In the Name of ‘Rights’: LGBT Health Movement and its Counteraction in East Asia,  PhD Workshop (Rethinking Asia), 01/03/2017
  • All Are ‘Foreign conspiracies’? Piercing the Veil of International Human Rights Law, Plain Law Movement Forum, , , 24/12/2017
  • Teaching Sexualities and Relationships: A Health-and-Human-Rights Approach to the Gender Equity Education Act, Conference ‘Children’s Right to Health’, Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technologies and Health & Sussex Law School, 亚洲情色, 11/12/2017
  • To Queer, or Not to Queer, That is the Question: Taking the Politics of Rights Seriously, Conference ‘’ (part of AHRC-funded ‘’ event), Manchester Metropolitan University et al, Birkbeck, University of London, 29/11/2017
  • The Erotic Subcultures of Gay Men: ‘Cruising’ for Sex beyond the Public-Private Boundary, Workshop ‘’, , UCL, University of London, 18/06/2017
  • Engaging in Timely Debates: Academic Blogging, Public Writing, and Social Networking, UCMeCSA Annual Conference 2017 ‘The Evolving Landscape of Entertainment TV in China: A 20-Year Review’, , University of East Anglia, 11/04/2017
  • The Possibles and Impossibles of Doing Interdisciplinarity: The 'Selfs' of Being Researcher/Researched, Roundtable on ‘Interdisciplinarity in Rights and Justice Research’, , 21/02/2017
  • Domestic Procedures for International (Trade) Agreements: An International and Comparative Law Perspective, Workshop ‘’, , UCL, University of London, 26/11/2016
  • Politics of Powerlessness/Otherness in East Asia: From Queer Assemblage to Rainbow Coalition, , SOAS, University of London, 10-11/06/2016
  • Queering the Taiwaneseness with a 'Rainbow Coalition': An Assemblage Approach to Social Transformation, Conference of the  (), , University of Calgary, 29-31/05/2016
  • A Closeted Agenda in Global Health Politics: Health Disparities in Sexual and Gender Minorities, Workshop 'Political Struggle and Performative Rights in Global Politics: New Directions in Research', , University of Tübingen, 6-8/04/2016 [supported by the Sussex Rights and Justice Research Centre’s Postgraduate Bursary Scheme].
  • The Right to Health of Sexual Minorities: The Relationship between Minority Stress and Health InequitySexuality, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, and the Law Workshop, Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technologies and Health, 亚洲情色, 15/03/2016
  • An Emancipatory Project in a Post-Cold War Context: Queer Taiwaneseness and a Rainbow Coalition, , Sussex Rights and Justice Research Centre, 26/11/2015
  • Heterosexism/Cisgenderism as Invisible Killers of Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Health and Human Rights Perspective, , Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research, 25/11/2015
  • From Reconciliation to Collaboration: A Rainbow Coalition in Taiwan, , International Academic Forum, 15/07/2015
  • Legal Research per se as a Cultural Study: LGBT Rights v. Asian Values, , International Academic Forum, 10/07/2015
  • Queering Global Health: Qualifying a Human Rights-Based Approach to Health Equity, , University of Essex, 08/07/2015
  • LGBT Rights Movement and the Social Media Effect: A Case Study of Taiwan Pride (with Tianyang Zhou),  (Transformative Practice and Theory), Coventry University, 03/07/2015
  • A Tango between Queer Rights and Asian Values in Taiwan: Asia as Method and the Cultural Relativism,  Conference 2015, 亚洲情色, 19/05/2015
  • Law v. Sexuality: LGBTI Rights in Westernised-Confucian Societies,  PhD Workshop (Intra-Asia: Connections, Comparisons, and Circulations), 25/02/2015
  • , Conference on the Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Studies of Canada, , 12/01/2014
  • A Right to Health-Based Public Health in International Human Rights Law, International Law Student Forum, , Soochow University, 18/07/2013