Library Building Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct applies to all users of the Library building.

In response to your feedback, we are trying to tackle the issue of noise in the Library.

If you wish to work as a group, please use the Ground Floor study spaces. If you are working noisily on another floor, your group will be asked to quieten down or move to the Ground Floor. We may also ask for your student details, which you are required to provide.

If you do not do as requested, your group will be asked to leave the building and will have access temporarily suspended in accordance with Sanction 1a of University Regulation 28:

Continued disruption “that causes a nuisance or disturbance to others” is classed by the University as misconduct and such .

Working noisily in quiet and silent areas of the Library does not show respect to the other students who have chosen to work in that area or to staff. This is in breach of the University Dignity, Respect and Inclusion Policy which expects all members of the University “to treat all individuals and groups fairly and with dignity and respect at all times”.


  1. Pursuant to Regulation 28 of the University, the Director of Library Services makes the following Library Code of Conduct:
  2.  We want users to get maximum benefit from the service we provide.  The Library’s staff seek to provide an enjoyable and pleasant environment, which positively contributes to everybody’s ability to study.
  3. Adherence to the Library Code of Conduct is a requirement for the membership and use of the Library. Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in sanctions or disciplinary action being imposed or instituted under the terms of Regulation 28.

We ask that all our users conduct themselves in the following ways:


  • Treat those using and working in the Library with courtesy and respect.  You will be asked to leave if you engage in anti-social behaviour towards other users or in the building.
  • Please respect the designated silent, quiet and solo study zones. 
  • Mobile phones should only be used in designated areas, as shown on signs and notices.
  • No smoking or vaping in the Library.

Health & Safety

  • You must take responsibility for your own health and safety when in the Library and do not endanger the safety of others, for example, using trailing cables etc.
  • You must leave promptly if a fire alarm sounds.
  • There are separate guidelines around dogs in the Library.


  • Do not leave your personal belongings unattended, if you do so, this is at your own risk, as their security cannot be guaranteed.  Any lost or found items will be handed to the Library Service Desk and removed by Security.
  • If the security alarm sounds when you leave the Library, you must go to the Library Service Desk so that the trigger for the alarm may be investigated.
  • You must produce your Library ID card for examination on request by Library or security staff.
  • If asked to provide proof of age, you must do so.


  • Allow others to work undisturbed, respecting the designated silent, solo, and quiet zones.
  • Do not reserve study spaces or computers; for example, by leaving belongings there when you have left the area.
  • Do not unplug or relocate any Library equipment.
  • Leave study spaces tidy and dispose of any rubbish.

Food and drink

  • No food is permitted on the second floor. 
  • Hot food may only be eaten in the café area. 
  • No alcohol within the building at any time.
  • Ensure all food and drink is cleared away and disposed of when leaving the Library.

Library transactions

  • Treat all Library materials with respect and help us to maintain them in a good condition for the benefit of all Library users.
  • You must not write on, highlight or underline (even using a pencil), any Library materials.
  • You will only be required to return items early when they are requested by another user, in which case you must do so when they are no longer required for your studies.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that all materials are properly issued to you before you leave the Library.
  • You are responsible for all materials issued to you; damaged items must be paid for.
  • Do not lend your Library card to anyone else.

Review / Contacts / References


Library Building Code of Conduct

Date approved:


Approving body:

Library Leadership Team

Last review date:


Revision history:

Annually from 2021

Next review date:


Related internal policies, procedures, guidance:

Legislation and good practice:

Regulation 28 of the 亚洲情色

Dogs in the Library

Library Strategy

Document owner:


Lead contact / author:

Operations Senior Manager