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The New Project (1981 onwards): Directives by theme
Please note that this index is not comprehensive - every Directive covers a wide range of issues.
The index is also not a guide to the content of the individual replies
to directives. A mention of a subject in the Directive does not guarantee
its appearance in the replies.
- Abortion:
- Unborn Children Bill: Spring 85
- advice to unmarried pregnant woman: Summer 90
- Accents:
- Spring 90
- Advertising: (see also Unsolicited Mail)
- for cars: Aut/Winter 87
- toiletries: Spring 92
- sanitary products: Spring 96
- TV in the 1950s/60s: Spring 03
- toiletries: Spring 92
- Afghanistan:
- US bombing: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- War: Sun 02
- War: Aut 08
- War: Sun 02
- Afterlife:
- Spring 94
- Ageing:
- growing older: Winter 92
- Queen Mother at 100: Summer 2000
- age and againg: Autumn 2006
- Health Service: Spring 1997 & Spring 2008
- Queen Mother at 100: Summer 2000
- Agriculture:
- see Farming
- responses to Press campaign: Spring 87
- changes in patterns of relationships: Summer 90
- sexuality and health: Autumn 2006
- changes in patterns of relationships: Summer 90
- Alcohol:
- drinking habits: Aut/Winter 89
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- intoxication: Aut/Winter 94
- sleeping patterns: Aut 99
- ban on smoking in pubs: Spring 07
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- Alternative Medicine:
- Spring 84
- Americans
- see USA
- Animal Rights:
- countryside: Spring 95
- Animals:
- owning pets: Autumn 02
- wildlife documentaries: Summer 05
- Anthrax:
- reactions to 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- Architecture:
- public library buildings: Autumn 05
- houses & homes: Autumn 06
- Archives:
- Using archives for family research: Summer 08
- Armed Forces see also War
- World War Two: Spring 09
- war and conflict: Summer 08
- Armed Forces see also War
- Asylum Seekers
- Summer 2000
- Autobiography:
- Spring 94
- "reality" television & radio: Summer 01
- life lines: Spring 08
- "reality" television & radio: Summer 01
- Backing Britain Campaign:
- Aut/Winter 89
- Banking: (see also Cheque Books):
- new technological developments: Summer 84
- services in the recession; Aut/Winter 93
- Bereavement: (see also Death)
- Spring 94
- public mourning: Spring 08
- Best thing to happen to you
- Spring 05
- Berlin Wall
- The Fall of in 1989: Spring 90
- Birth:
- Aut/Winter 93
- health service: Spring 08
- Birthdays:
- Aut/Winter 90
- Presents: Autumn 98
- The Queen Mother reaches 100: Summer 2000
- Summmer 02
- Presents: Autumn 98
- Blogs: see Internet
- Bodies (see also dancing, sport)
- menstruation, Spring 9
- weight, Summer 97
- body piercing and tattoos: Summer 99
- weight, Summer 97
- Books
- see Reading
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- Spring 2004
- British Rail
- see Transport
- British-ness:
- buying British: Winter 83, Aut/Winter 89
- Marks & Spencer: Spring 01
- countryside: Spring 95
- national characteristics: Spring 90
- death of Princess Diana: Aut 97
- travel: Spring 2000
- Coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 2000
- Marks & Spencer: Spring 01
- BSE:
- Summer 96
- Budget 1982:
- impact on personal situation: Summer 82
- Burial
- see Death
- Business Premises:
- opening and closing of new shops: Summer 81, Autumn 81, Spring 82, Autumn 82, Autumn 83, Winter 83
- Buying British:
- Winter 83, Aut/Winter 89
- Carers:
- of elderly people: Winter 92
- caring and pressure on time: Spring 92
- caring for gay family members: Autumn 00
- age: Autumn 06
- caring and pressure on time: Spring 92
- Cars:
- owning one: Aut/Winter 87
- increasing the pace of life: Spring 92
- Celibacy:
- Summer 90
- Celebrations:
- Aut/Winter 90
- Millennium: Aut 97, Aut 99
- presents: Aut 98
- Queen Mother's Birthday: Summer 2000
- family occasions: Aut 00
- birthdays: Sum 02
- New Year's Eve: Autumn 03
- History matters: Summer 2006
- Millennium: Aut 97, Aut 99
- Celebrities:
- Spring 2009
- friendships:Winter 08
- Censorship:
- in films: Spring 99
- Charities:
- Christmas cards: Winter 83
- moral beliefs: Spring 85
- charity shops: Spring 87
- charitable giving and personal/family budgets: Aut/Winter 93
- supported by Lottery: Spring 96
- unpaid work: Aut/Winter 96
- health care: Spring 97
- in realtion to refugees: Summer 2000
- supporting victims of violence in the home:Spring 07
- health care: Spring 08
- Global poverty & health: Winter 08
- moral beliefs: Spring 85
- Cheque books:
- Autumn 81, Autumn 82
- Children/Childhood:
- pocket money: Autumn 82
- learning about death: Spring 94
- remembered foods: Winter 82
- thrift habits: Spring 87
- holidays: Summer 87
- the car: Aut/Winter 87
- time: Summer 88
- rules of conduct: Summer 89
- views on drugs: Aut/Winter 89
- education: Spring 91
- growing up: Spring 93
- safety in the community: Summer 93
- having babies: Aut/Winter 93
- going to the cinema: Spring 99
- bedtime and sleep: Aut 99
- travel when young: Spring 2000
- reading habits: Autumn 03
- age: Aut 06
- health care & NHS: Spr 08
- memories of World War Two: Spr 09
- learning about death: Spring 94
- Chinas:
- Olympic Games: Summer 08
- Christmas:
- expense & local impressions: Autumn 81
- Christmas cards: Winter 83
- Day Diary 1986: Autumn 86
- expenses of Xmas 93: Aut/Winter 93
- presents: Aut 98
- Christmas cards: Winter 83
- Cinema: (see also Films)
- going to the cinema: Spring 99
- Cities:
- Winter 95
- Civil protest:
- countryside: Spring 95
- Class
- see Social Divisions
- Close relationships:
- Summer 90
- having an affair: Spring 98
- the family: Aut 00
- courtship: Summer 01
- friendship: Winter 08
- Clothes:
- ownership and care: Spring 88
- as an indicator of background: Spring 90
- VAT on children's clothes: Aut/Wint 93
- for dancing: Autumn 97
- as an indicator of background: Spring 90
- Clubs see Organisations
- Collecting things:
- Spring 2000
- Comedy:
- Having a laugh: Spring 02
- Comics
- Autumn 03
- Commemoration
- public mourning: Spring 06
- History matters: Summer 06
- World War Two: Spring 09
- History matters: Summer 06
- Community:
- Spring 93
- Coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees):Summer 2000
- Computers:
- see Technology
- Consumerism:
- buying British: Winter 83
- in relation to waste: Spring 87
- buying toiletries: Spring 92
- shopping: Summer 95
- buying cds, tapes, records: Aut 97
- hairproducts: Spring 01
- Marks & Spencer: Spring 01
- in relation to waste: Spring 87
- Contraception:
- Summer 90
- sexuality: Autumn 05
- Cost of living
- see Budget, Inflation, Expenditure, Thrift, Consumerism
- Countryside:
- Spring 95
- Winter 95
- Cremation
- see Death
- Crime:
- moral issues: Spring 85
- juvenile delinquency: Spring 93
- personal/home security & burglary: Summer 93
- drug use: Aut/Winter 94
- juvenile delinquency: Spring 93
- Criminal Justice Bill:
- Aut/Winter 94
- Currency:
- reactions to proposal of £1 and 20p coins: Summer 81
- use of loose change, notes, cheques: Autumn 81
- ½p and 20p coins: Summer 82, Autumn 82
- issue of £1 coin: Spring 83
- new technology in banking: Summer 84
- use of loose change, notes, cheques: Autumn 81
- Current events:
- major events of 1986: Autumn 86
- retrospective on the 1980s: Summer 90
- looking back at 1992: Winter 92
- summer events: Summer 93
- BSE and beef: Summer 96
- death of Princess Diana: Special Directive Sept 97
- issues (various itemised): Spring 99
- the war in Kosovo, Summer 99
- issues (various itemised): Autumn 00
- reactions after 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- world situation: Autumn 02 & Spring 03
- issues and events Summer 2005: Summer 05
- Spring 2009: Spring 09
- retrospective on the 1980s: Summer 90
- Dancing: (see also Music)
- enjoyment of all aspects: Aut 97
- Darfur:
impact of war: Summer 08
- Day diaries:
- 29 July (Royal Wedding Special): 1981
- Christmas: Autumn 86
- August Bank Holiday: Summer 87
- 15 June (EEC Election Day): Summer 89
- Friday 13 March: Spring 92
- Thursday 2 March: Spring 95
- four Saturdays in Spring: Spring 03
- New Year’s Eve 2003: Autumn 03
- wedding of Charles & Camilla: Spring 05
- Saturday afternoons & evenings: Spring 03
- New Year’s Eve 2003: Autumn 03
- a day of choice in Spring 2006: Spring 06
- Christmas: Autumn 86
- Death:
- President Kennedy: Autumn 84
- experiences and beliefs: Spring 94
- Princess Diana: Special Directive Sept 97
- reactions after 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- Princess Margaret: Sum 02
- public mourning: Spring 06
- health service: Spr 08
- experiences and beliefs: Spring 94
- Development (in other countries):
- Spring 92
- Fair trade: Summer 07
- Global poverty and health Winter 08
- Fair trade: Summer 07
- Diaries:
- Spring 94
- to be kept for the last week of 1999 and the first week of 2000: Aut 1999
- to record reactions after 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- to be kept for the last week of 1999 and the first week of 2000: Aut 1999
- Disasters: see also Current Events
- Spring 89
- railway accidents: Aut 00
- attack on USA, 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- hurricanes in the USA: Autumn 05
- the Asian Tsunami: Spring 05
- hurricanes in the USA: Autumn 05
- London Tube/bus bombing: Summer 05
- warfare and the ensuing humanitarian issues: Summer 08
- railway accidents: Aut 00
- Disablement:
- care of elderly: Winter 92
- health care: Spring 97
- and humour /jokes: Spr 02
- health care: Spring 97
- Divorce:
- close relationships: Summer 90
- having an affair: Spring 98
- Doctors
- see Health
- Domestic violence
- violence in the home: Spring 07
- Dreams:
- about Royalty: Summer 82
- recent ones: Winter 92
- patterns of dreaming and sleep: Autumn 99
- recent ones: Winter 92
- Drugs:
- alternative medicine: Spring 84
- AIDS: Spring 87
- tea, coffee, alcohol: Aut/Winter 89
- to aid giving birth: Aut/Winter 93
- sport: Aut/Winter 94
- legalisation of cannabis & other drugs: Aut/Winter 94
- as an aid to sleep: Autumn 99
- ban on smoking in public places: Spring 07
- AIDS: Spring 87
- Economy (see also Current events)
- inflation: Summer 82
- current situation: Summer 93
- views on the recession: Aut/Winter 93
- current situation: Summer 93
- Education:
- effects of cuts: Summer 82
- personal experience: Spring 91
- literacy: Spring 91
- current debates, especially on testing: Summer 93
- costs in household budget: Aut/Winter 93
- using numbers: Spring 04
- going to university: Spring 04
- quoting and quotations: Autumn 06
- about health: Spring 08
- using the internet: Spring 09
- personal experience: Spring 91
- Electronic mail:
- Jokes by e-mail: Spr 02
- Letters and email:Summer 04
- Elections:
- local:Spring 82
- General: Spring 83, May 87, Spring 92, Aut/Winter 96, Spring 97, Spring & Summer 01
- EEC: Summer 84, Summer 89
- General: Spring 83, May 87, Spring 92, Aut/Winter 96, Spring 97, Spring & Summer 01
- Electricity bills:
- Summer 82, Aut/Wint 93
- Employment
- see Work, Income
- Englishness:
- gardening: Sum 07
- Core British values: Sum 06
- Environment:
- food: Winter 82, Spring 89
- health dangers: Spring 84
- waste: Spring 87
- litter: Spring 87
- major events, 1986: Autumn 86
- impact of the car: Aut/Winter 87
- storms, floods etc: Aut/Winter 87
- disasters: Spring 89
- cars: Aut/Winter 87
- Euro-elections: Summer 89
- Earth Summit in Rio de Janiero: Summer 92
- road buliding, countryside: Spring 95
- gardens and gardening: Spring 98
- travel: 2000
- the Asian Tsunami: Spring 05
- gardening: Summer 07
- health dangers: Spring 84
- Ethics
- genes, genetics & cloning: Spring 06
- core British values: Summer 06
- care of the aged: Autumn 06
- Fair Trade and shopping: Summer 07
- Global health & poverty: Winter 08
- health care & services: Spring 08
- core British values: Summer 06
- Etiquette:
- Summer 89
- presents: Aut 98
- Europe:
- general knowledge and opinions about the EEC: Summer 82
- 10yrs UK membership: EEC Special 1983
- in relation to USA: Autumn 84
- Elections for EEC Parliament: Summer 84
- Day Diary for EEC Election Day: Summer 89
- Maastricht Treaty: Summer 93
- BSE and beef: Summer 96
- Exercise: (see also Sport)
- being overweight, Summer 97
- Expenditure
- see Banking, Buying British, Business Premises, Budget, Christmas, Currency, Fuel Consumption, Holidays, Income, Pets, Pocket Money, Private Services, Shopping Strategies, Spending £250,000
- Fairtrade
ethics: Summer 2007
- Falklands/Malvinas War:
- Special Directive, April 82
- Postscript: Sept 82
- Family relationships:
- effect of unemployment: Autumn 81
- pocket money, 'home hotel': Autumn 82
- sharing of domestic work: Autumn 83
- relatives and neighbours: Winter 84
- Christmas Day diary: Autumn 86
- clothing purchase & maintenance: Spring 88
- rules of conduct: Summer 89
- marriage & love: Summer 90
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- relations between parents & children: Spring 93
- managing the household budget: Aut/Winter 93
- having an affair: Spring 98
- the family: Aut 00
- Courtship & dating: Summer 01
- sharing reading when young: Autun 03
- letters: Summer 04
- your home: Autumn 06
- violence in the home: Spring 07
- and friendship: Winter 08
- animals as pets: Summer 09
- swine flu pandemic: Summer 09
- pocket money, 'home hotel': Autumn 82
- Family Research:
Family Research in generalk: Summer 08
- Using the Internet: Spring 09
- Fantasy: (see also Dreams)
- spending £250,000: Winter 83
- ideal holidays: Summer 87
- spending £250 on clothes: Spring 88
- most romantic situation: Summer 90
- most desired piece of equipment: Autumn 91
- imagining oneself as a machine: Spring 92
- most pleasurable activity: Summer 93
- ideal holidays: Summer 87
- Farming:
- countryside: Spring 95
- BSE and eating beef: Summer 96
- Fashion: (see also Personal appearance)
- attitudes towards: Spring 88
- Fax:
- Autumn 91, Spring 97
- Fears:
- World Financial crisis: Winter 08
- Swine flu pandemic: Summer 09
- About the internet: Spring 09
- Heaven & Hell: Summer 09
- Feminism:
- Autumn 91
- Films:
- video: Spring 83
- attitude to American films: Autumn 84
- pastimes/TV day diary: Autumn 88
- influences on young people: Spring 93
- portrayal of serial killers (Silence of the Lambs): Spring 94
- Going to the cinema: Spring 99
- about World War Two: Spring 09
- about animals: Autumn 09
- attitude to American films: Autumn 84
- Financial services:
- new developments: Aut/Winter 84
- new technology: Autumn 91
- assisting with your budget: Aut/Winter 93
- new technology: Autumn 91
- Firefighters:
- images of people who are firefighters, Summer 97
- Floods: (see weather)
- Food:
- price of local veg: Summer 81
- shopping strategies: Autumn 81
- 'grow-your-own': Winter 82
- food preferences: Winter 82
- childhood memories: Winter 82
- weekday & Sunday main meals: Summer 82
- salmonella & listeria scares: Spring 89
- eating problems: Aut/Wint 89
- celebrations: Aut/Wint 90
- natural foods: Summer 92
- day diary 2nd March: Spring 95
- BSE and beef: Summer 96
- being overweight, Summer 97
- genetically modified food: Spring 99
- relationship with sleeping patterns: Aut 99
- when travelling: Spring 2000
- Fair Trade, shopping and ethics: Summer 07
- gardening vegetables: Summer 07
- recipes & cooking using the internet: Spring 09
- eating animals: Summer 09
- shopping strategies: Autumn 81
- Football: see also Sport
- World Cup:Summer 06
- Foreigners:
- Spring 93
- travel: Spring 2000
- Coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 2000
- meeting people: Autumn 2003
- travel: Spring 2000
- Friendship:
- Winter 84,
- Summer 90
- letters & emails: Summer 04
- ups & downs of friendship: Winter 08
- Summer 90
- Fuel:
- gas & electricity bills: Summer 82
- household bills: Aut/Wint 93
- Future:
- spending £250,000: Winter 83
- work and unemployment: future hopes and fears: Summer 83
- cars and transport in the year 2087: Aut/Wint 87
- plans for the future and the Millennium: Aut 97
- recording the Millennium: Spring 99, Autumn 99
- hopes for the future on New Year’s Eve: Autumn 03
- universe & outer space: 05
- work and unemployment: future hopes and fears: Summer 83
- Gambling: see also Sport
- Lottery: Spr 96
- World Cup: Sum 06
- Gap year: see travel
- Gardening:
- 'grow-your-own-veg': Winter 82
- regular pastimes: Autumn 88
- garden and gardening: Spring 98
- National Trust properties: Summer 06
- gardens & gardening: Sum 07
- regular pastimes: Autumn 88
- Gas bills:
- Summer 82, Aut/Wint 93
- Gender roles:
- comparisons: men's & women's jobs: Summer 83
- housework allocation: Autumn 83
- feelings about self: Spring 84
- managing finances: Summer 84
- social relationships: Winter 84
- morality: Spring 85
- holidays: Summer 87
- the car: Aut/Wint 87
- clothes: Spring 88
- hobbies & pastimes: Autumn 88
- rules of conduct: Summer 89
- close relationships: Summer 90
- ideas about masculinity and feminity: Autumn 91
- new technology: Autumn 91
- differences in the ageing process: Winter 92
- personal hygiene: Spring 92
- body image & being overweight, Summer 97
- images of different jobs, Summer 97
- the family: Aut00
- courtship & dating: Summer 01
- sexual orientation and jokes: Spr 02
- differences in childhood reading habits: Autumn 03
- sex: Autumn 05
- housework allocation: Autumn 83
- General Elections:
- Spring 83, May Special 87, Spring 1992, Aut/Winter 96, Spring 97, Summer 01
- Genetics
- genes, genetics & cloning: Spr 06
- Germany:
- fall of Berlin Wall: Spring 90
- World Cup: Summer 2006
- Ghosts
- see Supernatural
- Government
- see Current events
- Graffiti:
- on £1 notes: Autumn 81
- about Common Market: Special, 1983
- Gulf War:
- Aut/Wint 90, Spring 91
- Hair: (see also personal appearance)
- Spring 01
- Hairdressers:
- Spring 01
- Health:
- the NHS: Summer 82, Summer 93, Spring 97
- the NHS, health and illness, time use, well-being: Spring 84
- alternative medicine: Spring 84, Spring 87
- food: Spring 89
- stimulants, prescription drugs: Autumn 89
- hygiene: Spring 92
- pace of life: Spring 92
- costs in household budget: Aut/Winter 93
- pregnancy & giving birth: Aut/Winter 93
- sport & keeping fit: Aut/Winter 94
- in relation to menstruation, PMT: Spring 96
- BSE and eating beef: Summer 96
- being overweight: Summer 1997
- nurses: images: Summer 97
- staying well in everyday life: Aut 98
- having enough sleep: Aut 99
- travelling and health problems: Spring 2000
- health risks and TV sets: Spring 03
- old age: Autumn 06
- ban on smoking in public places: Spring 07
- NHS: Spring 08
- Global health & poverty: Winter 08
- Swine flu pandemic: Summer 09
- the NHS, health and illness, time use, well-being: Spring 84
- History
- History matters: Summer 06
- >Family history research Winter 08
- Holidays:
- personal experiences: Summer 81, Summer 87
- EEC Special 1983
- August Bank holiday day diary: Summer 87
- Xmas Day diary: Autumn 86
- pace of life and the kind of holidays preferred: Spring 92 (2)
- costs from household budget: Aut/Wint 93
- travelling: Spring 2000
- EEC Special 1983
- Home:
- DIY, services, maintenance: Summer 82
- description of mantelpiece: Autumn 82
- teenagers and the "home hotel": Autumn 82
- description of living room: Autumn 83
- clocks about the house: Summer 88
- objects of value and feeling: Summer 88
- new technology: Autumn 91
- arrangement of reading material: Spring 93
- household security: Summer 93
- where I live (cities, towns & villages): Winter 95
- music systems and music listening at home: Aut 97
- wedding presents: Aut 98
- owning pets: Autumn 02
- first TV: Spring 03
- your home, decoration ands contents: Autumn 06
- gardens: Summer 07
- using the internet at home: Spring 09
- animals in the home: Autumn 09
- description of mantelpiece: Autumn 82
- Homosexuality:
- in relation to AIDS: Spring 87
- advice to a young person; Summer 90
- close relationships: Summer 90
- gender roles & identity: Autumn 91
- gays and lesbians in the family: Aut 00
- sexual orientation and jokes: Spr 02
- sex Autumn 05
- advice to a young person; Summer 90
- Honeymoons:
- Summer 87
- Housework:
- a week's domestic work log: Autumn 83
- clothes washing & ironing: Spring 88
- timetables: Summer 88
- pace of life: Spring 92
- labour saving equipment: Autumn 91
- clothes washing & ironing: Spring 88
- Housing:
- local house prices: Spring 82
- spending £250,000: Winter 83
- major events 1986: Autumn 86
- hurricane/floods: Aut/Winter 87
- costs of mortgage/rent in household budget: Aut/Winter 93
- Recession of 2008-9: Winter 08
- spending £250,000: Winter 83
- Humour
Spring 02
- Hygiene:
- personal habits: Spring 92
- Immigration
- coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 00
- impact of 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- ethnic minorities and jokes: Spring 02
- core British values: Summer 06
- Global poverty & health: Winter 08
- impact of 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- Income:
- unemployment: Summer 81, Autumn 81, Spring 82
- pocket money: Autumn 82
- first wage packet: Autumn 82
- the Budget effects: Summer 82
- employment, past, present, future: Summer 83
- car purchases: Aut/Winter87
- clothing expenditure: Spring 88
- men's and women's earnings: Autumn 91
- managing the household budget: Aut/Winter 93
- going to university: Spring 04
- your home: Autumn 05
- decoration ands contents: Autumn 06
- Recession of 2008-9: Winter 08
- handling finances online: Spring 09
- pocket money: Autumn 82
- Industrial relations:
- Waterworkers: Spring 83
- Miners' strike: Summer 84
- Rail strikes: Spring 82, Summer 84, Aut/Winter 94
- Teachers: Summer 84
- Miners' strike: Summer 84
- Inflation:
- reactions & predictions: Summer 82
- Information Technology
- media and the public interest: Autumn 01
- Information Technology
- Information technology:
- Media and the public interest: Autumn 01
- humour: Spring 02
- Internet (see also Information technology)
- and humour: Spring 02
- for family research: Summer 08
- Iraq:
- and US foreign policy: Sum 02
- war: Aut 02
- war: Spr 03
- war: Sum 08
- war: Aut 02
- Ireland:
- Summer 93, Aut/Wint 94
- Peace process: Spring 99
- decommissioning of IRA arms: Autumn 01
- Peace process: Spring 99
- Islam
- reactions after 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- Israel:
- and the Palestinians: Aut 00
- reactions after 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- Jokes:
- BSE and beef: Summer 96
- reactions to 11 September: Special 01 & Aut 01
- having a laugh: Spr 02
- reactions to 11 September: Special 01 & Aut 01
- Jumble sales:
- Thrift & consumerism, Spring 1987
- Kennedy, JF (President of USA):
- Autumn 84
- Kosovo
- Spring 99
- Summer 99
- Coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 2000
- Summer 99
- Kurds:
- Spring 99
- Coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 2000
- Labour Party: (see also Elections, General Elections, Current Events)
- deputy leader election: Autumn 81
- New Labour and Tony Blair: Aut 00
- Languages
- travel: Spring 2000
- Leisure:
- holidays: Summer 81
- Christmas: Autumn 81, Autumn 86
- viewing and reading: Spring 83
- EEC Special (holidays): 1983
- retirement: Summer 83
- social life: Spring 84
- holidays/Bank Holiday diary: Summer 87
- car use: Aut/Winter 87
- time use: Summer 88
- regular pastimes: Autumn 88
- membership of organisations: Aut/Winter 90
- reading: Spring 93
- pleasure: Summer 93
- TV soap operas: Spring 95
- sporting activities: Aut/Winter 94
- music and dancing: Aut 97
- gardening: Spring 98
- going to the cinema: Spring 99
- public libraries, Summer 99
- collecting things: Spring 2000
- owning pets: Aut 02
- Saturday diaries: Spr 03
- Use of public and private spaces: Aut 03
- Smoking habits: Apr 07
- ban on smoking in pubs: Spr 07
- using the internet: Spr 09
- Christmas: Autumn 81, Autumn 86
- Liberal-SDP Alliance:
- Autumn 81
- Libraries (see also Reading)
- pastimes: Autumn 88
- public libraries: Summer 99
- public library buildings: Autumn 05
- public libraries: Summer 99
- Life course:
- gender & identity: Autumn 91
- stages at different ages: Winter 92
- pace of life: Spring 92
- dancing over the years: Aut 97
- aging: Autumn 2006
- personal life lines: Spring 06
- stages at different ages: Winter 92
- Literacy:
- Spring 91
- women at beginning of century: Winter 95
- quoting and quotations: Autumn 06
- women at beginning of century: Winter 95
- Living rooms
- see Home
- Lottery:
- Spring 96
- Love:
- Summer 90
- courtship & dating: Summer 01
- Magazines:
- choice: Spring 83
- for reading at home: Spring 93
- cildhood reading and comics: Autumn 2003
- homes and furishing: Autumn 2006
- for reading at home: Spring 93
- Mantelpieces:
- Autumn 83
- Marriage: (see also family)
- honeymoons: Summer 87
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- experience of: Summer 90
- extra-marital affairs: Spring 98
- wedding presents: Autumn 98
- Charles & Camilla: Spring 05
- sex: Autumn 05
- violence in the home: Spring 07
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- Mass Observation:
- feelings about the directives: Summer 90
- how you answer directives & what it all means: Spring 91
- views of the term "M-O": Aut/Winter 93
- Archive benefiting from Lottery funds: Spring 96
- feelings about a directive on menstruation: Spring 96
- recording the Millennium: Observers' views: Spring 99
- designing your own directive: Summer 00
- being part of research: Autumn 04
- TV and images of 1950s/60s: Spring 03
- the BBC: Spring 04
- the Asian Tsunami: Spring 05
- London bombing: Spring 05
- wildlife documentaries: Summer 05
- gardening programmes: Summer 07
- programmes about researching your family: Summer 08
- depictions of war: Summer 08
- Olympic Games: Summer 08
- how you answer directives & what it all means: Spring 91
- Media: (see also under separate headings eg Film, TV etc)
- Falklands Parade special: Autumn 82
- reading, listening, watching: Spring 83
- impressions of USA: Autumn 84
- AIDS information campaign: Spring 87
- hurricane & floods: Aut/Wint 87
- pastimes: Autumn 88
- TV day diary: Autumn 88
- reporting disasters: Spring 89
- food scares: Spring 89
- Backing Britain campaign: Autumn 89
- coverage of environmental issues: Summer 92
- treatment of young people: Spring 93
- influence on young people: Spring 93
- economic news and issues: Aut/Winter 93
- treatment of murder & serial killers: Spring 94
- images of the countryside: Spring 95
- television soap operas: Spring 95
- BSE and beef: Summer 96
- about the supernatural: Summer 96
- death of Princess Diana: Special Directive Sept 97
- music and dancing: Autumn 97
- going to the cinema: Spring 99
- "reality" TV & radio: Summer 01
- media and the public interest: Autumn 01
- and humour: Spr 02
- reading, listening, watching: Spring 83
- Medical experiments: (also see Health, Research and Science)
- Spring 85
- Memorials: (see also commemoration)
- Death of Diana: Summer 97 (Special)
- public mourning: Spring 06
- World War Two: Spring 09
- public mourning: Spring 06
- Men
- see Gender Roles
- Menstruation:
- Spring 96
- Millennium:
- its meaning: Aut 97
- ideas about recording the event: Spring 99
- diaries for last week of 1999 and the first week of 2000: Aut 99
- visits to the Millenium Dome: Aut 99
- ideas about recording the event: Spring 99
- Mining industry:
- Miners' Strike: Summer 84
- closing down the mines: Summer 93
- Money: (see also Currency, Income)
- managing family budget: Aut/Winter 93
- buying Lottery tickets, and winning: Spring 96
- cost of going to the cinema: Spring 99
- costs of travel: Spring 2000
- collecting things: Spring 2000
- recession: Winter 2008
- buying Lottery tickets, and winning: Spring 96
- Morality:
- Spring 85
- genes, genetics & cloning: Spring 06
- core British values: Summer 06
- genes, genetics & cloning: Spring 06
- Mothers:
- literacy practices: Aut/Winter 95
- Murder:
- Spring 94
- Museums:
- History matters: Summer 06
- Music: (see also Dancing)
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- new technology: Autumn 91
- pleasure: Summer 93
- enjoying music, listening, playing and buying: Aut 97
- in films: Spring 99
- and sleep: Aut 99
- new technology: Autumn 91
- National Health Service
- see Health
- Nature:
- Summer 92
- Neighbours:
- Spring 83
- Newspaper reading:
- Spring 83, Spring 93
- sports coverage: Aut/Winter 94
- treatment of young people: Spring 93
- sports coverage: Aut/Winter 94
- Nurses: see also NHS
- images of nurses: Summer 97
- Pay and working conditions: Spring 99
- Objects about the house:
- Summer 88
- presents: Aut 98
- collecting things: Spring 2000
- presents: Aut 98
- Occupations
- see Work or under specific jobs)
- Old age(see also Ageing):
- Winter 92
- Queen Mother reaches 100: Summer 2000
- older gay people and the family: Autumn 00
- and birthdays: Summer 02
- age: Autumn 2006
- Queen Mother reaches 100: Summer 2000
- Olympic Games:
Plans for 2012: Summer 08
- Organisations:
- membership: Aut/Wint 90
- clubs for people who collect things: Spring 2000
- Overseas Aid:
- Spring 85: Spring 89, Spring 92, Winter 2008
- Pace of life:
- Spring 92
- Paedophilia:
- and humour: Spring 02
- Palestinians:
- Aut 00
- and Israel: Summer 02, Autumn 2002
- Gaza bombing: Spring 2009
- and Israel: Summer 02, Autumn 2002
- Parenthood:
- pocket money: Autumn 82
- unmarried parenthood: Summer 90
- pace of life: Spring 92
- growing up and bringing up children: Spring 93
- giving birth: Autumn/Winter 93
- unmarried parenthood: Summer 90
- Parks:
- public spaces: Autumn 03
- Personal appearance:
- clothes: Spring 88
- personal hygiene: Spring 92
- body image: Summer 99
- hair: Spring 01
- body image: Summer 99
- Pets:
- cost of feeding: Autumn 81
- dogs as security: Summer 93
- owing pets:Autumn 2002
- dogs as security: Summer 93
- Photographs:
- celebrations: Aut/Wint 90
- of giving birth: Aut/Wint 93
- images of where you live: Winter 95
- gardens: Spring 98
- of giving birth: Aut/Wint 93
- Pleasure:
- Summer 93
- travelling: Spring 00
- meeting people: Spring 03
- best thing that happened to you this year: Autumn 05
- sex: Autumn 05
- travelling: Spring 00
- Pocket money:
- Autumn 82
- Police:
- images of police officers, Summer 97
- racism in the police/Stephen Lawrence enquiry: Spring 99
- Politicians
- see Elections, General Elections, individual parties
- Political activity:
- membership of political parties and groups: Aut/Winter 90
- private lives of politicians: Spring 99
- media and the public interest: Autumn 01
- and humour: Spr 02
- anti-war demonstrations: Autumn 02 & Spring 03
- embargo, Fair Trade and ethics: Summer 07
- current events: Spring 09
- private lives of politicians: Spring 99
- Political Opinions
- see Current events, Elections & General Elections
- Posters:
- Spring 85
- Poverty
- Global health & Poverty: Winter 08
- Private Services:
- housing maintenance, installations: Summer 82
- unsolicited mail: Spring 82
- postal & phone advertising: Summer 82
- non-NHS medical treatment: Spring 84
- the railways: Aut 00
- unsolicited mail: Spring 82
- Present-Giving: (see also Christmas)
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- presents: Aut 98
- Public & private:
- contrasts in space: Autumn 03
- ban in public places: Spring 07
- Public houses
- Smoking ban: Spring 07
- Public spaces:
- public & private spaces: Autumn 03
- public libraries: Autumn 05
- memorials: Spring 06
- smoking in public places: Spring 07
- public gardens: Summer 07
- plans for the Olympic Games 2010: Summer 08
- public libraries: Autumn 05
- Public Services:
- health, education, transport cuts: Summer 82
- waterworkers strike: Spring 83
- NHS: Spring 84
- teachers: Summer 84
- education system: Spring 91
- train strikes: Summer 84, Aut/Wint 94
- travel & food safety measures: Spring 89
- care of elderly people: Winter 92
- public libraries, Summer 99
- transport policy and the railways: Aut 00
- use of public spaces/places: Autumn 03
- the BBC: Spring 04
- public library buildings: Autumn 05
- supporting people in old age: Autumn 06
- NHS in 2008: Spring 08
- waterworkers strike: Spring 83
- Quoting & Quotations:
- Autumn 06
- Race/Racism:
- racial discrimination & racial characteristics: Spring 90
- community and "foreigners": Spring 93
- The Stephen Lawrence Enquiry/racism in the Police: Spring 99
- coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 2000
- impact of 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- ethnic minorities and jokes: Spr 02
- core British vaules: Summer 06
- community and "foreigners": Spring 93
- Radio:
- news programmes: Spring 83
- coverage of young people: Spring 93
- listening to music: Aut 97
- "reality" programmes: Summer 01
- comedy shows: Spr 02
- The BBC: Spring 04
- coverage of young people: Spring 93
- Ratecapping (Liverpool):
- Summer 84
- Reading:
- choice of newspaper, journals and magazines: Spring 83
- pastimes: Autumn 88
- reading matter in the home: Spring 93
- VAT on books and newspapers: Aut/Wint 93
- murder stories: Spring 94
- autobiographies & biographies: Spring 94
- countryside: Spring 95
- women and early years of century: Winter 95
- public libraries, Summer 99
- at bedtime: Aut 99
- humorous books and newspapers: Spr 02
- childhood reading: Autumn 03
- using numbers: Spring 04
- quoting and quotations: Autumn 06
- about World War Two: Spring 09
- pastimes: Autumn 88
- Recycling:
- waste, thrift & consumerism: Spring 87
- Refugees
- From Kosovo, Summer 99
- Coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 2000
- From Afghanistan: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- Coming to Britain (asylum seekers and refugees): Summer 2000
- Relatives:
- Winter 84
- the family: Aut 00
- Relaxants & Stimulants:
- Aut/Wint 87
- Religion:
- beliefs & practices: Spring 85
- discrimination on religious grounds: Spring 90
- celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- nature: Summer 92
- death and dying: Spring 94
- and jokes: Spr 02
- discrimination on religious grounds: Spring 90
- Remembrance Day see Commemorations
- Research (see also Science)
- being part of research: Autumn: 04
- health research: Spring 08
- doing family research: Aum 08
- health research: Spring 08
- Retirement:
- Summer 83, Winter 92
- Retrospective on the 80s:
- Spring 90
- Risk-taking:
- Spring 91
- Royalty:
- views on and preparations for Royal Wedding: Summer 81
- diary for day of Wedding: Special Directive 1981
- dreams about Royal family: Summer 82
- as a prop to hierarchy & privilege: Spring 90
- the Queen's Annus horribilis: Winter 92
- crisis in Royal family: Summer 93
- end of a marriage: Charles & Diana: Aut/Winter 94
- death of Princess Diana: Special Directive Sept 97
- Queen Mother's birthday: Summer 2000
- Royal family in 2002: Sum 02
- Golden Jubilee: Sum 02
- Princess Margaret's death: Sum 02
- Prince Harry: Sum 02
- Memories of 1953 Coronation on TV: Spring 03
- Charles & Camilla: Spring 05
- diary for day of Wedding: Special Directive 1981
- Rules of conduct:
- Summer 89
- Rural Britain:
- countryside: Spring 95
- Science:
- medical experiments: Spring 85
- belief in science: Summer 92
- BSE and beef: Summer 96
- genetically modified foods: Spring 99
- universe & outer space: Summer 05
- wildlife documentaries: Summer 05
- deaking with swine flu: Summer 09
- genes, genetics & cloning: Spring 06
- belief in science: Summer 92
- Second World War see World War Two War
- Secretaries:
- images of people who are secretaries, Summer 97
- Security:
- personal and household: Summer 93 after 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- Serial killers:
- Spring 94
- Sexuality:
- close relationships: Summer 90
- education: Summer 90
- gender roles: Autumn 91
- pleasure: Summer 93
- erotic reading material: Spring 93
- having an affair: Spring 98
- In films: Spring 99
- and sleeping: Aut 99
- courting and dating: Summer 01
- and humor/jokes: Spr 02
- advice from comics & magazines when young: Autumn 03
- all aspects: Autumn 05
- education: Summer 90
- Shopping: (see also consumerism)
- strategies: Autumn 81
- habits: Summer 95
- buying sanitary products: Spring 96
- buying music: Aut 97
- Marks & Spencer: Spring 01
- using numbers: Spring 04
- sex: Autumn 05
- your home, decoration ands contents: Autumn 06
- Fair Trade and ethics: Summer 07
- habits: Summer 95
- Shops
- see Business Premises, Shopping Strategies
- Sleep
- Aut 99
- Soap Operas:
- Spring 95
- Social Divisions in Society:
- Spring 90
- class and jokes: Spr 02
- Social status:
- Spring 90
- Societies see Organisations
- South Africa:
- Botha's visit to UK: Summer 84
- Solar eclipse of August 1999:
- Spring 99
- Somalia:
- Summer 93
- Spending £250,000:
- Winter 83
- Sport:
- leisure activities: Autumn 88
- membership of clubs and organisations: Aut/Winter 90
- activities and spectating: Aut/Winter 94
- World Cup Summer 02, Summer 06
- animals and sport: Summer 09
- the Olympics: Summer 08
- membership of clubs and organisations: Aut/Winter 90
- Storms:
- Autumn 87
- Autumn 00
- Strikes
- see Industrial relations
- Subject of own choice
- Aut/Wint 95
- Spring 96
- Summer 96
- Spring 96
- Supernatural:
- Summer 92, Spring 94, Summer 96, Summer 05
- Superstition:
- Friday 13th: Spring 92
- Tattoos
- Summer 99
- Tax
- see Income, VAT
- Taxi drivers:
- images of people who drive taxis, Summer 97
- Teachers: (see also Education)
- images of people who teach, Summer 97
- Technology:
- impact on jobs: Summer 82
- banking: Summer 84
- animal experiments: Spring 85
- new technology in the home: Autumn 91
- imagining youself as a machine: Spring 92
- information about health: Spring 97
- Millennium bug: Spring 99, Aut 99
- mobile phones: Autumn 02
- writing and emails: Summer 04
- in the home: Autumn 06
- the Internet: Spring 09
- banking: Summer 84
- Teenagers:
- "home hotel": Autumn 82
- contraceptive advice: Summer 90
- growing up: Spring 93
- year abroad travelling: Spring 2000
- contraceptive advice: Summer 90
- Telephones:
- portable & car phones: Autumn 91
- using the telephone: Aut/Winter 96
- Television:
- favourite news programmes: Spring 83
- Xmas Day diary: Autumn 86
- day diary recording TV watching on 1 Nov: Autumn 88
- 15 June day diary: Summer 89
- coverage of young people: Spring 93
- watching sport: Aut/Winter 94
- soap operas: Spring 95
- Lottery programme: Spring 96
- music and dancing: Aut 97
- Queen Mother's birthday: Summer 2000
- "reality" programmes: Summer 01
- comedy: Spr 02
- images of the 1950s.60s on TV: Springing 03
- World Cup: Summer 06
- the BBC: Spring 04
- wildlife documentaries: Summer 05
- the home and makeover programmes: Autumn 06
- World War Two programmes: Spring 09
- programmes about animals: Summer 09
- representations of current affairs in 2009: Spring 09
- Xmas Day diary: Autumn 86
- Terrorism
- attack on USA, 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- world situation: Autumn 02
- war with Iraq: Spring 03
- London Bombing, 7 July: Spring 05
- world situation: Autumn 02
- Time:
- Spring 84, Summer 88, Spring 92
- clocks changing: Aut 99
- Tourism: (see also travel)
- Summer 87
- travelling: Spring 2000
- Towns:
- Winter 95
- Trade Unions: (see also Industrial relations)
- membership: Aut/Winter 90
- Transport:
- rail strike: Spring 82
- efficiency of public transport: Summer 82
- rail strike & timetables: Summer 84
- Bank Holiday: Summer 87
- cars: Aut/Winter 87
- disasters: Spring 89
- rail strike: Aut/Wint 94
- travelling: Spring 2000
- the railways: Aut 00
- the railways: Aur 00 & Sum 02
- efficiency of public transport: Summer 82
- Travel:
- jet lag: Aut 99
- Spring 2000
- security at airports and air travel: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- mobile phones: Autumn 02
- Global poverty & health: Winter 08
- using the internet for information: Spring 09
- Spring 2000
- Unemployment:
- personal experiences: Summer 81, Autumn 81, Spring 82
- prospects: Summer 83
- health & well being: Spring 84
- prospects: Summer 83
- United States of America:
- attitudes towards: Autumn 84
- Reagan's visit to UK: Summer 84
- American films: Spring 99
- reaction to 11 September: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- in Afghanistan: Summer 02
- policy in Iraq: Summer 02
- hurricanes in the USA: Autumn 05
- election of Barack Obama as President: Spring 09
- Reagan's visit to UK: Summer 84
- Universities see Education
- Unsolicited mail:
- recorded over a quarter: Spring 82
- advertising by post and phone: Summer 82
- Vegetarianism: (see also Food)
- Winter 82
- VAT:
- on fuel, books, newspapers, children's clothes: Aut/Wint 93
- Video recorders:
- owning & using: Spring 83
- recording programmes on 1st Nov: Autumn 88
- recording celebrations: Aut/Winter 90
- owning & using: Autumn 91
- recording births: Aut/Winter 93
- Watching films on video: Spring 99
- recording programmes on 1st Nov: Autumn 88
- Villages:
- Winter 95
- Violence:
- crime: Summer 93
- murder & death: Spring 94
- In films: Spring 99
- violence in the home Spring 07
- murder & death: Spring 94
- Vivisection:
- Spring 85
- Voluntary organisations:
- Aut/Winter 90
- unpaid work: Aut/Winter 96
- health: Spring 97
- unpaid work: Aut/Winter 96
- War:
- Falklands/Malvinas: Special directive April 82
- postscript to Falklands: Sept 92
- Gulf War: Aut/Winter 90, Spring 91
- Yugoslavia: Summer 93
- Ireland: Aut/Winter: 94
- Ireland: Spring 99
- Kosovo & Bosnia: Spring 99
- Israel/Palestine: Aut 00
- USA versus the Taliban: Special 01 & Autumn 01
- in Afghanistan: Sum 02
- policy in Iraq: Sum 02
- and humour: Spring 02
- in Afghanistan: Summer 02
- with Iraq: Autumn 02
- with Iraq: Spring 03
- attitudes to warfare and conflicts: Summer 08
- World War Two: Summer 09
- postscript to Falklands: Sept 92
- Waste, thrift & consumerism:
- Spring 87
- Weather:
- effect on food prices: Spring 82
- hurricane,winds & floods: Aut/Winter 87
- disasters: Spring 89
- floods and gales: Aut 00
- the Asian Tsunami: Spring 05
- snow storms in UK: Spring 09
- hurricane,winds & floods: Aut/Winter 87
- Weddings see also Celebrations, Family Relationships
- presents: Aut 98
- Women: (see also Gender Roles)
- literacy practices in early years of century: Winter 95
- menstrual life stories: Spring 96
- Work: (see also Industrial Relations, Unemployment)
- first job, gender, retirement, leisure, education, technology,
predictions: Summer 83
- housework allocation: Autumn 83
- European Community: Special Directive 83
- health service workers: Spring 84
- electronic banking: Summer 84
- use of time: Summer 88
- status of different jobs: Spring 90
- pace of life: Spring 92
- unpaid work: Aut/Winter 96
- paid work, Summer 97
- and well being: Aut 98
- advice on careers in magazines: Autumn 03
- letters & emails: Summer 04
- Recession of 2008-9: Winter 08
- housework allocation: Autumn 83
- World War Two
- Images & memories: Spring 09
- Writing:
- for Mass-Observation: Spring 91
- use of word-processor: Autumn 91
- diaries & autobiographies: Spring 94
- women in early years of century: Winter 95
- designing your own directive: Summer 2000
- letters & emails: Summer 04
- quoting and quotations: Autumn 06
- use of word-processor: Autumn 91
- Yugoslavia (former):
- Summer 93
- osovo, Spring 99
- Kosovo, Summer 99
- osovo, Spring 99
- Zimbabwe:
- war and conflict: Summer 08