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Charles Madge Archive

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Autobiographical Papers

a. Family history

1 file ms papers relating chiefly to Henry Madge Pillman b.182
ff.9. 1/1

Family history
Ts of a family history written by Barbara Madge for Henry Hylton Foster
ff.121. File also includes a small diary of HH-F for 1913 1/2

1 file ms, ts and printed papers relating to the civil and military career of CM's father, C.A. Madge, killed in action, May 1916
ff.23. File includes 4 letters to his wife from the front dated May 1916 1/3

b. Personal history

7 als, October-November 1912 from various friends congratulating his parents on his birth 1/4

Ms loose-leaf notebook recording events and achievements in his life, 1912-1980
ff.75 1/5

Typescript extracts from his personal diaries and letters
ff.25 1/6

"The ruins of time" 1928. Incomplete autobiographical ms 81pp. 1/7

35 letters, 7 telegrams of comment and congratulation on CM's poetry, 1921-1929, including a photocopy of an undated letter of John Masefield to CM
File also contains typescripts of 8 poems, 1920 1/8

Miscellaneous jottings, notes, etc.
ff.14. File includes 4 als from friends (RMW, K.S.Hylton Foster, Herbert Miller, MR) 1922-1937 1/9

c. Autobiography

Ts draft of CM's autobiography sent to and returned by the literary agent John Farquharson. 1987
ff.278. File includes copy of a letter of comment from Andrew Lownie to CM 26.3.87 2/1


Numbered sequence of 35 b&w photographic prints, formal and informal, of CM, his family and friends, intended to illustrate his autobiography, with a plan for their distribution throughout the volume. 2/2


a. Letters of Charles Madge to Barbara Madge
51 als, pcs, 6 or 7.5.22 - 12.12.22
File also includes :
Branstyn Hylton Foster to CM 1 als 29.4.22
Stanley S. Harris to BM 1tls 6.5.22
CM to John [ ] 1 als May 1922
CM to Mrs Wyatt 1 als Oct. 1922
Pecho to BM 1 tls (9ff.) [n.d.] 3/1

63 als, pcs, 23.1.23 - 28.10.23
Some letters include CM poems 3/2

111 als, pcs, 3.5.24 - 13.12.24 3/3

155 als, pcs, 26.1.25 - 14.12.25 3/4

168 als, pcs, 23.1.26 - 18.12.26
File also includes :
Christina C. Cardale to CM 1als 6.4.26
BM to CM 1 als [n.d.] 4/1

106 als, pcs, 20.1.27 - 21.7.27
File also includes :
Myles [ ] to CM 2 als 13.6.27, 25.6.27 4/2

55 als 22.9.27 - 14.12.27
File also includes :
J. Pember to BM 1 als 2.11.27
John [ ] to CM 1 als 11.12.27
RMW to CM 1 als 20.12.27 4/3

167 als 21.1.28 - 14.12.28 5/1

119 als, pcs, 20.1.29 - 1.8.29 5/2

63 als 22.9.29 - 18.12.29 5/3

110 als, pcs, 19.1.30 - 23.7.30
File also includes :
Hylton [ ] to CM 1 als 8.2.30
RR to CM 1 als 29.6.30 5/4

67 als, pcs, 6.8.30 - 14.12.30 5/5

111 als, pcs, etc. 18.1.31 - 9.9.32
13 als, pcs, 25.10.33 - 28.12.33
File includes :
Geoffrey Keynes to CM 1 als 18.10.31 6/1

89 als 2.1.34 - 26.12.34
File also includes :
BM to CM 21 als 1934
Kathleen Raine to BM 4 als 1934
BM to Kathleen Raine 1 als 1934
Herbert Baker to CM 1 tls 21.7.34 6/2

113 als, pcs, 28.1.44 - 30.12.47
File also includes :
CM to Hylton [ ] 1 als 14.12.44
Inez Madge to BM 14 als 1946-47 6/3

86 als, pcs, 29.1.48 - 30.12.49
File also includes :
Inez Madge to BM 8 als 1948-49
South African Broadcasting Corporation 1 ts copy 11.10.49 6/4

136 als, pcs, etc. 15.1.50 - 21.12.52
File also includes :
Inez Madge to BM 8 als 1950-52 7/1

90 als, pcs, etc. 12.1.53 - 3.10.54
File also includes :
Inez Madge to BM 2 tls, 1 als 1953-54 7/2

140 als, pcs, 3.1.60 - 20.12.63
File also includes :
Inez Madge to BM 6 als 1960-62 7/3

b. Letters of Barbara Madge to Charles Madge
12 als 2.10.33 - 1.1.34
111 als 16.5.65 - 1.7.67
See also file 6/2

File also contains :
BM to Kathleen Raine 2 als 1933
Correspondence relating to Bessie Hucker and BM's welfare 1965-68 8/1

c. Letters of Kathleen Raine to Charles Madge
19 als, pcs, etc. 3.7.33 - 1960s
File also includes correspondence with publishers about the posthumous publication of Humphrey Jennings' Pandemonium
KR to BM 2 als [n.d.] 8/2

d. Letters of Charles Madge to Inez Madge
108 als, pcs, mid-June 1938 - 5.9.44
File contains correspondence concerning the Charles Madge/Inez Spender/Stephen Spender relationship including 1 tls Stephen Spender to Inez [1.9.39] 8/3

85 als, pcs, 5.1.52 - 8.9.64 8/4

e. Letters of Inez Madge to Charles Madge
48 als 5.10.53 - 15.4.67 8/5


c.1920 -1930
16 ms notebooks containing essays, exercises, jottings, lists, plays, poems, stories, etc. written as a schoolboy 9/

c. 1931-1951
8 notebooks containing autobiographical recollections, essays, observations, poems, presscuttings, reviews, etc. written in his maturer years. With some post 1951 additions 10/

Pilot Press

Pilot Papers : social essays and documents. Edited by Charles Madge 1 un-numbered and 8 numbered issues January 1946 - December 1947. Complete. CM was a director of the Pilot Press. 11/


4 exercise books of ms transcriptions by BM of poems by CM 12/1

Ts of 31 poems. Numbered sequence with list of first lines. Some duplication.
ff.86 12/2

Ts of 20 poems. Numbered sequence (lacks 14) with list of first lines.
File contains BM's ms and ts transcriptions.
ff.52 12/3

Ms and ts of 46 poems. Numbered sequence with list of first lines and chronology of composition.
ff.144 12/4

Ts of 46 poems dated Jan.-May 1924. Numbered sequence with list of first lines.
ff.77 12/5

Ts of 62 poems dated June-Dec. 1924. Numbered sequence with list of first lines.
ff.111 12/6

Selections. 1924-25. 1926. Portfolio of ts of 33 poems.
ff.43 13/1

Ts of 35 poems dated Jan.-July 1925. Numbered sequence with list of first lines.
ff.77 13/2

Ts of 38 poems dated Aug.-Dec. 1925. Numbered sequence with list of first lines.
ff.70 13/3

Ms poems in CM's own hand dated Jan.-July 1926.
ff.54 13/4

Ms poems in CM's own hand dated Aug.-Dec. 1926.
ff.60 13/5

Ts of 25 poems dated Jan.-April 1926.
ff.51 13/6

Ts of 61 poems dated June-Dec. 1926.
ff.96 13/7

Ms of 33 poems dated Jan.-February 1927 with ts transcriptions.
ff.84 14/1

Ms of 26 poems dated March-May 1927 with ts transcriptions.
ff.74. 14/2

Ms of 29 poems dated June-Aug. 1927 with ts transcriptions.
ff.72 14/3

Ms of 20 poems dated Sept.-Dec. 1927 with ts transcriptions.
ff.49 14/4

Ms of 24 poems dated Jan.-April 1928 with some ts transcriptions.
ff.42. File also contains ts of "The sunshine holiday : a natural drama"
ff.58. 2 copies 15/1

Ms of 15 poems dated May 1928 with some ts transcriptions.
ff.16. File also contains 2 versions of "Atlantis" 9pp. ms, 15pp. ts. With drafts ff.4 15/2

Longer poems
"Come follow : a summer sonata" dated June-Aug. 1928. 55pp. ts
"Before the fantasias : experiments and ideas" dated Aug. 1928. 12 pp. ms,
8 pp. ts transcription
"Six preludes" dated Sept. 1928. 8 pp. ms, 11pp. ts transcription
"Seven strings : a suite of sonnets" dated Nov. 1928. 6 pp. ms
File also contains 7 ms poems, 2 ts poems 15/3

Longer poems
"Epithalamion" dated Jan. 1929. 50pp. ms on grey handmade paper.
"Legend for two voices" dated Feb. 1929. Ms ff.12. Ts transcription ff.15
File also contains ms, ts poems, drafts, fragments.
ff.51 15/4

Longer poems
"13 poems for April 1930" Ms 16 pp., decorated
"Argo, May 1930" Ms 8pp.
"7 hymns to an abstraction" dated 1931. Ms 24 pp.
File also contains ms, ts poems, drafts
ff.40 16/1

Ms and ts of poems not included in The disappearing castle
ff.100 16/2

Ms, ts and drafts of poems published in The father found
ff.137 16/3

Ms, ts of poems 1938-39 not published in The father found
ff. 118 16/4

Longer poems
"Visions of Camden Town". 2 versions. Ts 9pp., 11pp.
"Genital poem" Ms draft ff.55
File also contains ms and ts poems, drafts
ff.56 17/1

"Out of dust and air : poems 1944-1952"
Ts 58pp. 17/2

"Forty nights and one night : poems 1946-1954"
Ts 48pp. 17/3

Ms, ts and printed, published poems
ff.59 17/4

Please note that the Notebooks in boxes 9 and 10 contain poems


Short paper on medicine. 1922. Ts ff..3
"The hope of Karel". May-June 1923. Ms ff.9
"The county of Blacin". Christmas 1925. Ms ff.13. Illustrated
Untitled ms, drafts. ff.28 18/1

"Imperialist addresses. Lord Harwood". Aug. 1926. Ms ff.3
"Fugue". Sept. 1926. Ms ff.20
"Lenses". Sept. 1926. Ms ff.4
"The magician's holiday". Short half 1926. Ms 12pp.
"The madman's amusement." Ms ff.3
File also contains school essays, exercises, jottings, plays, etc. ff.29 18/2

"Suite ~ old ladies". 16th, 17th September 1928. Ms ff.10
"Autumn mirror : a suite for prose progressions". October 14th 1928. Ms ff.3
"Enough, or Too much : proverbs from hell". Ms f.1
File also contains school essays, exercises etc. ms, ts ff.65 18/3

"Masquerade : a play. Writ on an April day 1929". Ms ff.5
"Prospectus : prolegomena to a new system of thought". May 1929. Ts ff.27
"Species and the realist". Ts ff.20
File contains other miscellaneous prose pieces. Ms ff.9 18/4

Account of a trip to Scandinavia, August 1930. Ts ff.180 19/1

"Arethusa, or, The future of enthusiasm". Ms ff.8, ts ff.82
"Notes on the technique of poetry". Ms ff.4
"English essay". Ms ff.2 19/2

Miscellaneous prose. Ms, ts jottings, notes, etc. on language, philosophers and philosophy, poetry, etc. ff.62 19/3

Stories - early thirties :
"The maniac". Ms ff.3
"Murder and arson". Ms ff.5
"The settlers". Ms ff.3
File also contains untitled ms, ts. ff.26 19/4

Darwin. Ts of a long essay on Darwin. ff.53
File also contains related material including botanical notes. ff.36 19/5

Undated prose
Essay on publishing poetry. Ts ff.31
"An introduction to the symbolism of William Blake". Ms 20pp. Illustrated
"The point of relief as formula of freedom". Ms ff.9
"Remarks on style". Ms ff.26
"The white square : an essay on reason". Ts ff.41 19/6

Please note that the Notebooks in boxes 9 and 10 contain Prose

Published reviews, articles

Contributions to Listener, New Statesman and Nation,Observer, Times, Times Literary Sipplement 1952-1964.

File includes "Myth, metaphor and world picture" offprinted from Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1962-63. 11pp. 20/1

Miscellaneous Papers

Bridget Riley
Ms, ts and printed papers relating to CM's purchase of silk screen prints by the artist Bridget Riley from the Rowan Gallery, London. File contains art gallery catalogues, correspondence, presscuttings, reviews of Riley exhibitions, 1969-72. Included among the correspondence are 2 tls from Bridget Riley to CM 10.1.69, 3.4.69. 20/2

Car accident
Insurance documents, legal correspondence, statements, etc. relating to CM's car accident, 15.12.63. ff.28 20/3

Last year at Birmingham University
18 tls 10.7.69 - 10.1.72 between CM and officers, colleagues and students of the University of Birmingham on a variety of topics. 20/4

Letters professional and literary
19 als, pcs 11.1.67 - 27.11.71 from Janet Thomas (secretary of CM)
12 als, tls 5.12.63 - 10.8.77 from Colin Buchanan Partners, Dartington Hall Trust,
Institute of Community Studies, LSE, National Consumer Council, University of Birmingham. 20/5

Ms, ts and printed papers relating to CM's proposed purchase of a building plot in Portugal in 1964. The file contains correspondence, hotel bills, plans. 20/6

Property valuation
3 valuation inventories in respect of property owned by CM. 1967, 1970
ff.25 20/7

Who's Who entry and obituary notice

Who's Who entry for Charles Madge, 1996. Ts f.1

Times obituary of Charles Madge 25.1.96. Ts ff.2 20/8

Additions to the collection

Ad. 1 Donated by Dr V. Randall 12-05-2000.

Comprises 2 boxes of papers , including correspondence, relating chiefly to Charles Madge's professional life, arranged by decade.

Documents of the Thirties

34 als, tls, 1932-35. Correspondents include : W.H. Auden, T.S. Eliot, Geoffrey Grigson, Naomi Mitchison, Janet Adam Smith, various literary editors, members of the Communist Party, and others.
File also contains draft letters and some verses of CM. 21/1
Printed papers
CM's contributions to periodicals (articles, reviews, poetry); reviews of CM's poetry; articles relating to perosnalities prominent in the 1930s. 21/2

Documents of the Forties

28 als, tls, 1941-47. Correspondents include : Bruce Bliven, Violet Bonham-Carter, L. Haden Guest, Q.D. Leavis, Herbert Read, Donald Tyerman, and others. File also includes letters to Inez Madge from Gerald Brenan, Marghanita Laski, and Stephen Spender. 21/3
Keynes : Saving & Spending
Articles, correspondence, notes, tables by CM and others relating to wartime national savings. 21/4
National Institute of Social and Economic Research. Wartime savings and spending
Correspondence : 34 tls J.M. Keynes to CM, 20.4.39 - 7.2.44; 9 als, tls CM to J.M. Keynes, 18.4.39 - 26.1.41.
File also contains 3 letters, 1980, relating to the publishing of J.M. Keynes' Collected writings 21/5
Pattern of demand
Articles, notes, reports, surveys, etc. concerning CM's research on changing patterns of demand. 21/6
Printed papers
Articles, notes, photograph, presscuttings relating to CM's professional undertakings for the period (i.e. national expenditure, income, savings, social issues).
File also contains reviews of Madge's The father found. 22/1

Documents of the Fifties

Printed papers
Articles, offprints,etc. mainly by CM concerning education, mental health, social behaviour, urban planning, etc.
File also contains 1 als 7.12.51 from Sam Gadd to CM enclosing verses. 22/2

Documents of the Sixties

Printed papers
Articles, reports, reviews chiefly by CM concerning third world development, social issues, etc. 22/3

Documents of the Seventies

3 tls from Edward Mendelson to CM; 2als CM to Edward Mendelson, 1978, relating to CM's association with W.H. Auden. Mendelson was Auden's literary executor. File also contains a draft letter of CM to Mr Cunningham, 1978. 22/4
Printed papers
Presscuttings, reports, etc. on British social history.
File also contains reviews of the Hayward Gallery exhibition "Thirties : British art and design before the war", 1979-80. 22/5



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