Sussex Researcher School

Claiming expenses at Sussex

All claims for RTSG must be made within the funding period, and any event claimed for must also have taken place within the funded period. You should claim reimbursement of your approved RTSG or OSF expenses as soon as you have made your booking, and within 3 months of the spend. Claims outside this timeframe will require a written explanation to be approved.

Expense claims process:

  • Complete the expenses claims form, entering one item per line and entering the cost in GBP. For purchases made in foreign currencies, the amount into GBP for the date the transaction was made, and enter this into the form.
  • If you have more than 9 items to process, complete an additional form. Please do not try to add extra lines to the form.
  • For each individual item, a receipt, a screenshot or invoice is required as proof of purchase. This will need to show details of the item, amount paid and the date of purchase.
  • Email the completed expenses claim forms and all receipts for items included to for processing.
  • Your expenses claim will be processed within a two week period. Expenses are paid to the bank account you have registered on SussexDirect.
For DTP RTSG and Overseas Fieldwork claims

SeNSS, SEDarc, CHASE - once you have obtained approval from your DTP for your RTSG or OSF request, you can then proceed to make your booking or ourchase and claim reimbursement via the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« expense claims process, as detailed above, via the PGR Scholarships team. 

SoCoBio, Leverhulme, etc - PGRs from various DTPs or those with project scholarships are able to process their expenses directly on the finance system, which their supervisor(s) will approve.

Ineligible items 

The ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« procurement and purchasing policy deems certain items ineligible for reimbursement. These include personal membership to academic bodies - even though student membership reduces costs of conference attendance, and purchases of alcohol.

Contact us at for any further queries.


Sussex Researcher School
