Sussex Researcher School

Spotlight on Researchers

To celebrate the important work of postgraduate researchers across the University this series delves into their journeys to becoming PGRs, the focus of their research and further aspirations they have for their careers.

Each Spotlight profile has links to the researcher's work should you want to find out more or contact them. 

This Month's Featured Spotlight

Sarah Stephens

                                                            Read her interview here!


Video Transcript 

[MUSIC: Soft Pulse Synth] 

[TITLE CARD: Animated image of a black hanging lamp with a light yellow ray of light coming from it. Inside the ray of light the text 'Spotlight on Researchers' appears. Background is sunshine yellow.]

Sarah Stephens: 

Hi, my name is Sarah Stephens. I'm a postgraduate researcher. I sit across three schools, which is IDS, Law and Computer Science. I'm looking at the role of technology to increase access to justice for women in Tanzania. And I've built a digital legal assistant, available on a mobile phone, that helps women know about their legal rights and explore their justice pathway and therefore increases access to justice.

[END CARD: Black hanging lamp with light yellow ray of light. Inside the ray of light the text 'Interview by the Sussex Researcher School'. Background is deep aquamarine with a strip of sunshine yellow at the top. 


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Sussex Researcher School
