Sussex Researcher School

2016-17 PGR Student Reps

The Student Rep Scheme is co-run by the and the University.

PGR Student Reps are doctoral researchers, elected by fellow students or self-nominated, to represent the views and interests of doctoral researchers in their subject. They provide an essential link between students, the Union and the University. Reps find out about issues impacting on students’ studies and experience. They may raise these informally with individual members of staff or more formally at department, School, and university-level committees in order to effect positive change.

Read about Josh Hutton's experience of being a PGR Student Rep (2015-16) here.

Elected in October, the PGR Student Reps for 2016-17 are:

School of Business, Management and Economics
Brighton and Sussex Medical School
  • Ben Alberts
  • Savannah Adkins
  • Sophie Betka
School of Engineering and Informatics
School of English
  • Alanna Lee Green
School of Education and Social Work
  • Gunjun Wadhwa (Education)
School of Global Sudies
School of History, Art History and Philosophy
School of Life Sciences
School of Law, Politics and Sociology
School of Media, Film and Music
School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
School of Psychology

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk