Sussex Researcher School

Early Career Researcher representatives

The Early Career Researcher (ECR) Reps group reports in to the ECR Sub-Committee, giving ECRs a voice in University decision-making

ECR reps represent early career researchers at committee level at the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«. Drawn from each of the academic Schools, reps hold an ECR Forum in their School each term to garner views and bring the research community together.

Reps meet six times a year, chairing meetings on a rolling basis, and two members attend each ECR Sub-Committee meeting to raise issues for discussion. It's a fantastic opportunity to gain experience in committee work and build skills for your promotion application or ADR.

Many of the ECR reps also represent research staff on other University committees, such as the Research IT Committee, Summer of Research Working Group, Athena Swan Self-Assessment Teams and School Research Committees.

Get involved - become an ECR Rep

We welcome new reps from any School with vacancies (see below). If you would be interested in representing your fellow researchers and influencing University policy while enhancing your CV, take a look at the ECR reps Terms of Reference (under review) or contact us for more information.

Head shoot of Dr Stefano Caserta

"The Research Staff Reps group is a good environment to exchange opinions and influence decisions that impact on our careers. By becoming a Research Staff Rep I feel that I have positively contributed to our diverse researcher community and gained a solid understanding of our wider roles within the University."

Dr Stefano Caserta

Head shoot of Dr Christiane Oedekoven

"I became a Research Staff Rep because I felt that there are issues specific to our work which need to be raised in a wider context. Being a Research Staff Representative is a great way to get to know the inner workings of the University better, as well as my fellow researchers."

Dr Christiane Oedekoven

Introducing the ECR representatives

School ECR rep ECR rep
Business (USBS) currently vacant currently vacant
Engineering and Informatics  Dr Henry Dore
currently vacant
Education and Social Work (ESW) Dr Jeongeun Park
currently vacant
Global Studies Dr Elena Borisova
currently vacant
Life Sciences - Biochemistry Dr Megan Wagstaff
Dr Sarah Connery
Life Sciences - Evolution, Behaviour and Environment currently vacant currently vacant
Life Sciences - Genomes Dr Andrea Keszthelyi
currently vacant
Life Sciences - Neuroscience Dr Antonio Hinojosa
Antonio's staff profile
Dr Liad Baruchin
Law, Politics and Sociology (LPS) currently vacant currently vacant
Media, Arts and Humanities (MAH) currently vacant currently vacant
Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)

Dr Aline Amorim Graf

Dr Graham Stutter
Dr Wilf Shorrock
Psychology Dr Ana Rozman
Dr Nick Souter
Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) Dr Vicky Hall
currently vacant

If you are interested in nominating yourself for any of the vacant ECR representative positions, please contact

Our past reps and where they are now...

Dr Christian Byrnes
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Royal Society Research Fellow and Lecturer in Department
of Physics and Astronomy at the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«.


Dr Liz Ford 
Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Liz was appointed as a Lecturer in Research Methodology and
Research Fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.


Dr Rebecca Graber
School of Psychology

Rebecca was appointed as a Lecturer in Psychology at the
Univeristy of Brighton.


Dr Greig Joilin
School of Life Sciences, Neuroscience

Greig was appointed as a Lecturer in Biochemistry and Biomedicine (Education and Scholarship).


Dr Lena Grinsted
School of Life Sciences, EBE

Lena secured a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship to be hosted at Royal Holloway from February 2017.


Dr Ralitsa Hiteva
School of Business, Management and Economics, SPRU

Ralitsa is continuing her research within SPRU as a Research


Dr Fiona Ingleby
School of Life Sciences, EBE

Fiona was appointed as Data Analysis and Research Manager with Cancer Research UK.


Dr Christina Jones
Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Christina was appointed as a Lecturer in Paediatrics in Brighton
and Sussex Medical School.


Dr Matthew Musgrave
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Matthew moved to a Postdoctoral Associate at Brookhaven
National Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Dr Leanne Proops
School of Psychology

Leanne was appointed as a Lecturer in Psychology at the University
of Portsmouth.

Dr Andrew Ridley
School of Life Sciences, Genome

Andrew was appointed as Product Manager at Labtech
International Ltd.

Stuart Rulten
School of Life Sciences, Genome

Stuart was appointed as a Medical Writer for Prime Global.  

Dr Francesco Ventrella
School of History, Art History and Philosophy

Francesco was appointed as a Lecturer in Art History at the

Dr Kate Ward
School of Global Studies

Kate was appointed as a Research Associate at Imperial College

Dr Duncan Carmichael
School of Psychology

Duncan was appointed as a Researcher for the University of Edinburgh.  

Dr Gianluca Memoli
School of Engineering and Informatics

Gianluca was appointed as a Lecturer in Department of Informatics at the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«.  

Dr Ceren Özpinar
School of History, Art History and Philosophy

Ceren was appointed as a Lecturer for the University of Brighton.  

Dr Elizabeth Rendon-Morales
School of Engineering and Informatics

Elizabeth was appointed as a Lecturer in the department of Engineering and Design at the ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ«.  

Dr Stefano Caserta
Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Stefano has been appointed as a Lecturer at the University of Hull.  

Dr Saeideh Babashahi
Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Saeideh is continuing her research within BSMS as a Research


Dr Richard Gorman
Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Rich is continuing his research within BSMS as a Research


Dr Bruno Zamorano
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Bruno has taken a position as a data scientist for an organisation based in Surrey.  

Dr Alice Eldrige
School of Media, Film and Music

Alice has been appointed as a Lecturer at the School of Media, Film and Music (now MAH).  
Meet Your Reps Presentation

For a brief overview of the benefits of becoming a rep please see the PowerPoint presented at the 'Meet Your Reps' event hosted by the Postdoctoral Network.

A new ECR reps role description outlining the benefits and expectations will be added here in Spring 2025.

Sussex Researcher School
