Policy and guidance documents
- Annual leave - Carry forward and anticipation of [PDF 44.73KB]
- Bridging funding guidance [PDF 179.08KB]
- Capability Procedure (Regulation 33) [PDF 63.81KB]
- Carer Fund Process Guide [PDF 152.18KB]
- Definitions of Violence Policy [PDF 48.99KB]
- Dignity, Respect & Inclusion Policy [PDF 293.51KB]
- Disciplinary Procedure (regulation 31) [PDF 275.82KB]
- Feewaiver Policy [PDF 75.64KB]
Not currently in operation - under review - Fit Notes Guidance [PDF 23.84KB]
- Fixed-term contracts: management guidance [PDF 15.07KB]
- Flexible working Procedure [PDF 295.25KB]
- Furlough Policy [PDF 150.74KB]
- Grievance procedure (Regulation 30) [PDF 160.85KB]
- Guidance for Parents and Carers for Staff [PDF 183.70KB]
- Guidance on absence related to a disability [PDF 175.48KB]
- Leave and Absence from work (Non-Faculty staff) - Guidelines for Section Heads [PDF 378.24KB]
- Market Supplement Policy, Guidance and Request Form [DOCX 31.42KB]
- Menopause Policy [DOCX 49.88KB]
Menopause Policy and Guidance - Menopause Policy - Menopause guidance for colleague discussions [DOCX 33.71KB]
Part of the Menopause Polcy, this guidance is to support colleague discussions - Pay adjustment policy [PDF 18.19KB]
- Policy on use of the Disclosure & Barring Service and the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders [PDF 84.82KB]
- Procedure for Dismissal on Grounds of Some Other Substantial Reason or Statutory Bar (Regulation 36) [PDF 21.99KB]
- Procedure in relation to support and development for red circled staff [PDF 19.24KB]
- Process Guidance for Managers considering Flexible Working Requests for teaching availability [PDF 207.90KB]
- Redeployment Procedure [PDF 194.63KB]
- Redundancy Procedure (Regulation 32) [PDF 160.55KB]
- Relationships Policy [PDF 224.88KB]
Relationships Policy April 2021 - Relocation Expenses [PDF 226.85KB]
- Request to engage or extend a Temporary Agency Worker [DOC 33.50KB]
- Sickness Absence and Medical Incapacity Procedure (Regulation 34) [PDF 274.07KB]
- Social Media - corporate accounts guidance for staff [DOCX 26.13KB]
- Social Media - general guidance for staff [DOCX 27.60KB]
- Social Media Policy [DOCX 32.14KB]
- Staffing Policies Policy Paper [PDF 42.53KB]
- Statement on Violence [PDF 108.67KB]
- Stress Management Policy [PDF 648.40KB]
- Study Leave Guidance [PDF 200.63KB]
- Time to Train Flowchart [PDF 27.59KB]
- Time to Train Further guidance [PDF 43.38KB]
- Time to Train Guidance for managers [PDF 19.06KB]
- Trans and Non-Binary Equality Statement [PDF 65.54KB]
- Transitioning at Work Guidance for Staff and Managers [PDF 288.03KB]
Transitioning at Work Guidance for Staff and Managers - Transitioning at Work policy [PDF 332.69KB]
Transitioning at Work policy - Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy [PDF 239.01KB]
IR35 Guidance
- Policy on Off Payroll Working [PDF 453.20KB]
- Process on Off Payroll Working [PDF 372.16KB]
- Frequently asked questions [PDF 407.06KB]
- Employment Status Questionnaire [XLSX 132.59KB]
- Process map for IR35 [PDF 51.46KB]
Research faculty-Career management
- Good Practice Guidelines for Principal Investigators [PDF 8.80KB]
- Good Practice Guidelines for Research Faculty [PDF 10.11KB]
- Good Practice Guidelines for Schools and Units [PDF 5.30KB]
- Guidelines for deans / heads of units and principal investigators [PDF 26.89KB]
Union agreements
Union agreements
- 2018 Facility Time Publication Requirements [PDF 101.15KB]
Information on Facility time which the University is required to publish under the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 - Appendix to Procedure Agreements with UCU, UNITE and UNISON relating to information and consultation [PDF 27.06KB]
- CJNC Unison Unite procedure agreement [PDF 117.21KB]
- Procedure Agreement between the University and the UCU [PDF 36.54KB]
- Procedure Agreement between the University and UNISON [PDF 5.94KB]
- Procedure Agreement between the University and UNITE [PDF 11.42KB]