Finance Division

COVID-19 and Travel Insurance

Please read the important information below regarding Covid-19 and University Travel Insurance.

Cover for travel disruption due to Covid-19 

The University Cover excludes claims arising from travel disruption (cancellation, curtailment or change of itinerary) due to Covid-19. Medical expenses and medical repatriation due to Covid-19 are covered.

With effect from May 2022 cover now includes:

  • Cancellation as a result of the Person Covered (i.e. the personal travelling on behalf of the University) contracting Covid-19 within 14 days of the start of the journey and confirmed by positive PCR test
  • Rearrangement costs incurred overseas as a result of the Person Covered being unable to board their pre-booked return flight to come home at the end of the journey as a result of a positive PCR test. This would include additional travel and accommodation costs (up to 14 days) necessary to get them home. 

NB: This cover will be subject to an annual aggregate of £1,000 per person and claims will be subject to a £100 deductible.

We have been asked to source cover for travel disruption due to Government guidance or lockdown relating to Covid 19, however, there are currently no Corporate policies available. We are continuing to monitor the situation and should Corporate cover become available, it would be our intention to put such cover in place.  

Internet searches () show there to be some personal policies which provide Covid-related cover. However, the majority of these still do not cover cancellation due to Government restrictions. The table below sets out the personal cover which may be available and how this compares with the cover offered by the University:   

SituationCover offered by personal policy*Cover offered by University
Medical expenses and repatriation Cover available This is the same as the University cover
Cancellation due to contracting coronavirus Cover available This is the same as the University cover
Travelling against FCDO advice for ‘all’ or ‘all but essential’ travel Excluded by most personal policies Excluded
Where change in FCDO advice is directly or indirectly related to Covid-19 Excluded by most personal policies Excluded
Travel restrictions or quarantine imposed by any government or public authority, including local lockdowns and compulsory entry requirements Excluded by most personal policies Excluded
Booking trip whilst testing positive Excluded by most personal policies Excluded
Change of plans due to self-isolating or testing positive Excluded by most personal policies Excluded


  • Most travel insurers are excluding cancellation due to entry restrictions, Government and Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advice
  • It is important to read the cover details document and to check with Insurers before deciding which cover to take
  • It is important to book flexibly