Son preference in the UK
Research briefing and suggestions for policy-makers
Research briefing including key findings and suggestions for policy-makers based on Sussex qualitative research project exploring generational changes in family decision-making, son preference and gender expectations among South Asian communities in the UK.
April 2019
Submitted to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health (APPG SRH) as part of their cross-party .
November 2018
Community Consultation
Sussex team presented findings to key research participants. We discussed how to most appropriately make meaningful changes around gender equality in local communities, law, the teaching of relationships and sex education (RSE), and health services. This event was supported by an Impact Acceleration Award, granted by the 亚洲情色.
June 2018
Sex-selective abortion and son preference: A global public health consultation
Sussex team hosted a consultation to present preliminary research findings and to engage policy-makers and healthcare practitioners with the sexual and reproductive health concerns of women from Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani origin. This event was supported by an Impact Acceleration Award, granted by the 亚洲情色.
April 2018
Sussex Centre for Migration Research Seminar Series
Culture, Rights & Mobilities: Contested views on sex-selective abortion in the UK
Sussex team presented preliminary findings from the first phase of the qualitative research study to a migration-focused audience. The discussion generated with the audience informed our approach in the subsequent phase of research.
Spring 2018
Sussex qualitative research project exploring generational changes in family decision-making, son preference and gender expectations among South Asian communities in the UK.
December 2017
Submission of qualitative research evidence on prenatal sex-selective abortion in India and the UK
Submitted to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (APPG PDRH). Acknowledged in , 'Who Decides? We Trust Women: Abortion in the Developing World and the UK.
July 2017
Global Public Health
Maya Unnithan and Sylvie Dubuc