Women at Sussex
We celebrate the achievements of women, past and present, who have shaped Sussex.
Working towards equality
We hold an Athena Swan Institutional Bronze award alongside School level awards for all of our STEMM Schools. Our aim is for all Schools to hold an Athena Swan award by 2025.
We encourage gender equality across the University and our Gender Equality Action Plan [PDF 528KB] outlines our commitments to improving gender equality.
For more information about how we are working towards equality at Sussex, see our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy.
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global event celebrated every year on 8 March. The day is dedicated to promoting gender equality and celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
This important annual event gives us the opportunity to highlight our strong commitment to promoting gender equality and creating spaces for dialogue, reflection and action on issues related to women's empowerment.
For IWD in 2025, Dr Elizabeth Rendon-Morales, Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the School of Engineering and Informatics, curated a set of portraits of some of our women Early Career Researchers for an exhibition in our library.
The exhibition showcased ECR role models and celebrates, inspires and recognises the incredible work of women ECR researchers at Sussex.
Read their reflections and encouragements on International Women's Day 2025 .

Dr Alba Arias Alvarez, Assistant Professor in Spanish and Linguistics, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Dr Aline Amorim Graf, Research Fellow, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Dr Bridget Kauma, Assistant Professor in Economics, ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« Business School

Dr Canan Cetin, Visiting Research Fellow, School of Law, Politics and Sociology

Dr Cannelle Tassin de Montaigu, Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences

Dr Estelle Marks, Assistant Professor in Criminology, School of Law, Politics and Sociology

Dr Grecia Garcia Garcia, Teaching Fellow in Computer Science, School of Engineering and Informatics

Isobel Sexton, Research Assistant, School of Life Sciences

Dr Karis Jade Petty, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, School of Global Studies

Dr Marianna Iliadou, Assistant Professor in Law, School of Law, Politics and Sociology

Dr May Nasrawy, Assistant Professor in Applied Social Science, School of Education and Social Work

Dr Olivia Taylor, Assistant Professor in Geography, School of Global Studies

Dr Rebecca Dobson Phillips, Lecturer in Politics, School of Law, Politics and Sociology

Dr Riziki Millanzi, Doctoral Tutor, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Dr Saeideh Babashahi, Research Fellow in Health Economics, Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Sunisha Neupane, Postgraduate Researcher, Institute of Development Studies

Dr Ulla McKnight, Assistant Professor in Sociology, School of Law, Politics and Sociology

Dr Viviana Vella, Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences

Dr Yanpei Huang, Assistant Professor in Engineering, School of Engineering and Informatics

Dr Zainab Aizaz, Research Fellow, School of Engineering and Informatics
To celebrate in 2023 and 2024, , Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the School of Engineering and Informatics and , Athena SWAN lead at the School of Life Sciences created a set of portraits of our female staff including a picture and an encouraging comment. The project aimed to showcase the female role models working at Sussex. The portraits, some printed and some digital, were shared in an exhibition in the University Library during March 2024 and you can see many of them in the gallery below.
Women of Sussex share their reflections and encouragements this International Women's Day .

Dr Melissa Lazenby, Lecturer in Physical Geography, School of Global Studies

Katie Bennett, Head of Health and Safety

Olivia Connor, Marketing Coordinator, Sussex Sport

Professor Pollyanna Ruiz, Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Poppy Joshi, PhD Student, Quantum Systems and Devices, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Dr Rebecca Webb and Dr Perpetua Kirby, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, School of Education and Social Work

Dr Samira Bouyagoub, MRI Physicist (Clinical Neuroscience), Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Sarah McDonald, Research Development Manager, Professional Services

Serena Mitchell, Communications Manager, Business School

Professor Alisa Lebow, Professor of Screen Media, Director of Student Wellbeing, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Alison Burrell, PGR Coordinator & Member of Professional Services, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Anja Pullen, Senior Timetabling Officer, Division of Student Experience

Dr. Bridget Kuama, Lecturer in Department of Economics, Business School

Brigitte Groves, Deputy School Administrator, School of Psychology

Carrie Smith, Student Communications and Campaign Manager, Internal Communications

Dr. Despoina Mantziari, Lecturer in Film Studies, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Professor Dolores Tierney, Professor of Film (Sussex Centre for Migration Research), Head of Department of Film Studies, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Emma Potts, Interim Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary

Dr Ferheen Ayaz, Research Fellow in 6G Lab, Advanced Communications, Mobile Technology and IoT, School of Engineering and Informatics

Helen Basterra, Head of Student Administration, Division of Student Experience

Helen Ticktin-Smith, Senior Research Project Officer, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Katy Stoddard, Research Development Manager, Doctoral School

Professor Margaretta Jolly, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, School of Media, Arts and Humanities

Dr Alice Copsey, Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences

Anna Farlow, Teaching Technician, School of Life Sciences

Bella Malya, Lecturer in Product Design, School of Engineering and Informatics

Professor Claire Smith, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Education and Innovation

Dr Elizabeth Rendon-Morales, Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering and Informatics

Erin Tilley, Student Experience Library Officer

Professor Esra Sorguven, Professor of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, School of Engineering and Informatics

Jenny Blemmings-Derrick, Teaching Technician, School of Life Sciences

Dr Karen Marshall, Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences

Dr Kate Howland, Senior Lecturer in Interaction Design, School of Engineering and Informatics

Kitty Pert, Applied Research Collaboration Assistant Project Manager, Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Dr Lisa Woodbine, Tissue Culture Manager, School of Life Sciences

Dr Louise Newnham, Senior Lecturer in Genome Stability, School of Life Sciences

Lucy Uffindell-Saunderson, Senior Technical Specialist, School of Engineering and Informatics

Dr Natacha Rossi, Research Fellow in Insect Behaviour, School of Life Sciences

Dr Ruth Murrel-Lagnado, Reader in Neuroscience, School of Life Sciences

Professor Sasha Roseneil, Vice-Chancellor

Sarah Ison, Online Distance Learning Librarian

Yueying Tian, PhD student/ doctoral Tutor, School of Engineering and Informatics.
Last year we ran a number of events across the university, including an online panel discussion on #BreakTheBias, co-hosted with the University of Brighton. Our Organisational Development team offered courses including ‘Fighting Gender Biat at Work’ and ‘Becoming a Male Ally at Work’.
Find out more about our 2022 IWD events.
The 2021 theme was #ChooseToChallenge, which included challenging our own thoughts to calling out gender bias in others. Our Library hosted a collaborative ‘Editathon’ workshop, with the aim to “make Wikipedia more representative of the diverse range of the knowledge produced by the diverse women of the world”.
Find out more about our 2021 IWD events.
In 2020 we celebrated the lives and achievements of incredbile women with connections in our local area as part of the #EachforEqual movement.
Explore the stories and photographs we shared on social media.
Celebrating women at Sussex
From trailblazing academics to pioneering students and alumni, we honour the diverse voices and experiences of women who have shaped our history and continue to shape our future.
Twelve women in academia
In celebration of women working in higher education, twelve of our female academics were invited to be part of a series of photography portraits.
This collection in our Library shows the variety of disciplines they are contributing to as well as their personal motivations.
See the portraits and read their stories.
How we support women
- Carer support policies
- Carer fund [PDF 160KB]
- Guidance for Parents and Carers for Staff [PDF 184KB]
- Menopause Policy [DOCX 50KB]
- Menopause Policy – Menopause guidance for colleague discussions [DOCX 33KB]
- Flexible and hybrid working [PDF 262KB].
Support for trans and non-binary staff
We are committed to providing a positive working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation for trans and non-binary people.
Our Trans and Non-Binary Equality Policy Statement [PDF 119KB]  sets out our commitment to provide a positive working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation for trans and non-binary people.
Transitioning at Work
°Õ³ó±ð Transitioning at Work policy [PDF 344KB] sets out the University’s support for staff who wish to transition while employed at Sussex and commitment to provide a working environment where an individual feels that all members of the University are valued and supported. Staff should also read our Transitioning at Work: Guidance for Staff and Managers [PDF 299KB] when consulting the policy.