
Meet our team

People sitting around a desk

We act as statistical consultants and collaborators on grants and projects spanning all of the research groups within the School of Psychology. We aim to help colleagues to achieve the highest standards of methodological rigour in their work to enable the School improve its already high standards of research excellence. Publications where members of the team have served as consulting statisticians are listed on the Research Outputs page.To find out more about our team and how they can help you, see the directory below.

Prof Andy Field

Professor in Quantitative Methods

Areas of expertise: Statistics, R.

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Statistics education.

Prof Zoltan Dienes

Professor in Experimental Psychology

Areas of expertise: Registered Reports and Bayes factors.

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Registered Reports and Bayes factors.

Dr Jennifer Mankin

Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Areas of expertise: R, Pedagogy,

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Teaching open methods and reproducible techniques.

Jennifer Mankin photo

Dr Lincoln Colling

Lecturer in Psychology 

Areas of expertise: R, R Package Development, Python, Matlab, Bayesian Statistics, Data Science, Database Management, Multi-lab studies, Reproducible methods, Big data, Open data.

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Bayesian statistics, Multi-lab studies, managing large datasets.

Picture of Lincoln Colling

Dr Danielle Evans

Lecturer in Psychology

Areas of expertise: Open science, R statistics software, advanced RMarkdown, teaching introductory R.

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Teaching/learning R and preparing manuscripts (journal articles, theses, dissertations) for publication with RMarkdown.

Danielle Evans image

Dr Vlad Costin

Lecturer in Psychology

Areas of expertise: R statistics software, pre-registration, scale development.

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Scale development, pre-registering studies using the AsPredicted format, sharing data through online repositories (particularly Open Science Framework).

Jenny Terry

Lecturer in Psychology

Areas of expertise: Statistics education, open science education, psychological measurement reform, big team science.

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Emotional/attitudinal aspects of teaching and learning quantitative methods (including statistics, open science, and R statistics software), best practices for researching and reporting psychological measurement scales and managing multi-lab projects.



Jenny Terry image

Jo Nicklin

Communications Officer

Areas of expertise: Managing communications.

I would especially welcome enquiries about: Supporting communication activities for the team.