Get to know SSRP Research Support Coordinator Gofaone Koorapetse
By: Edwin Gilson
Last updated: Friday, 28 February 2025

SSRP Research Support Coordinator Gofaone Koorapetse
She plays a vital role behind the scenes at SSRP... but what is Gofaone doing her PhD in? What does she find most rewarding about working at SSRP? And most importantly, who are her two favourite authors? Read on.
Describe your role at SSRP.
I work as the Research Support Coordinator at Sussex Sustainability Research Programme. I’ve been in this role since last July and I am tasked with handling the administrative responsibilities including supporting SSRP fellows and organising the logistics of meetings and workshops, and planning events. I also work on aggregating funding opportunities for sustainability-related research for our bi-weekly funding roundup that we share with our mailing list.
What part of your role do you find most rewarding?
The most rewarding part of my role is supporting sustainability research across the globe. The programme has an amazing portfolio of innovative and thought-provoking interdisciplinary sustainability research. Across the five research themes, I’ve learnt a lot of the work academics at Sussex have done over the years, and supporting our researchers at all stages and coordinating a range of activities to maximise real world impact is extremely fulfilling.
What makes you get up in the morning?
My alarm (joking!!!). I look forward to being productive and learning. One of my favourite sayings in my native language is “Go ithutake go iphitlhela" which basically means "To learn is to discover oneself." In my role there’s always something interesting to learn and that excites me. I am also proud of the behind the scenes work I do to support and bring together researchers across the university to make a positive impact and achieve a shared goal.
What is your professional or academic background?
My academic background is Accounting and Finance. I just began my final year as an Accounting PhD student at the Business School. My research uses an African philosophical lens to examine the way in which African households engage with sustainable living through household budgeting. I previously worked as a Research Communications and Events in a great team at the Business School supporting academics with research communications, engagement and events.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy going on long walks around the town that I live in. It’s extremely quiet and peaceful and gives me time to let my brain wander. I also love reading, listening to music and re-watching my favourite shows. I would say the perfect day is watching Season 1 episodes of Elementary, reading a new book then going outside for fresh air in the evening.
Who are your three fantasy dinner party guests?
I would love to have dinner with my two favourite authors Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and John Grisham. Chimamanda is a Nigerian author and activist who authored ‘We Should All Be Feminists’, a book that as a young lady shaped my views on African womanhood. John Grisham fed my teenage dream of becoming a criminal lawyer. I would also like to have dinner with Ndaba Gaolathe, new Vice-President and Minister of Finance of Botswana, part of the new party that came into power after the previous party who ruled for almost 60 years. He is extremely well spoken and insightful; I would love to pick his brain.