Lisa Squire-Smith
School Tutor MAH (Media and Film)


I completed my PhD at Sussex in the interdisciplinary field of Gender Studies in 2023, in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities.听 My research was focused on embodiment.

My teaching experience at Sussex includes the following:

Gender, Space and Culture (UG, Year 2)

Advertising E (UG, Year 2)

Feminist Philosophy (UG, Year 2)

Gender and Sexual Dissidence Across the Arts (Sussex Undergraduate International Summer School, 2023)

Questioning the Media A + B (UG, Year 1).

My teaching on Feminist Philosophy also included the following guest lectures:

'Judith Butler's theory of Gender Performativity', Autum Term 2023

'Critiques of Irigaray - Insights into the structures of Western Philosophy', Autumn Term 2023

I have also been a marker on the Year 3 Undergraduate module, 'Globalisation and Communication'.