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Triptych 1, 2 & 3 Malcolm Hughes
The University Art Collection is a mixture of interesting commissions, donations and specially commissioned pieces. Throughout the sixties and early seventies the University employed various artists in residence. The work of one, John Upton, can be seen in Arts A155. Entitled Christ's Entry into Brighton it depicts various sixties icons including Christine Keeler, Harold MacMillan and Jimi Hendrix alongside students and faculty from the University. The University has early works by British artists Malcolm Hughes (Library), David Oxtoby (Arts A) and Aubrey Williams (AFRAS). Elsewhere in the University can be found the freshly restored Days rest, days work by Ivon Hitchens (Mandela Hall) a reproduction of the 1965 Ready Steady Go! set (EAM Upper Common Room) and A Course at Sussex a set of limited edition lithographs, commissioned for the University's 25th anniversary, by Tom Phillips (Sussex House & Arts A).