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POSTERS 1939-47

TC 42: 5 boxes & Poster Folder


42/1/A: Memos and comments

Typed poster investigation memos September (TH)

Typed letters between TH & CM re poster survey

Typed synopsis of poster investigation

Typed notes from (HP) on "You" posters

Typed memo "Difference between You and Your", 6.10.39 (TH, GB)

Typed appendix to letter re cost of investigation, 19.10.39

Handwritten notes (TH) on cost

Typed notes "Emotions and attitudes evoked by posters" (GB)

Typed memos from (GB) October

Handwritten observations on posters (?)

Handwritten examples of posters re Air Raid 20.10.39 (HP)

Typed summary of posters October/November 1939 (HP)

42/1/B: Poster investigation analysis 1939

Handwritten/typed, (JA, HP, AH)

42/1/C: Government Posters in Wartime

Typed report from Mass-Observation, October 1939

42/1/D: Public Information Leaflets

Typed report from Mass-Observation, October 1939

42/1/E: Extra information post-survey 1939-40

Typed introduction to Poster Section in Modern Publicity Year Book 1939-40 Ashley Havinden

Typed extracts from Advertisers Weekly November, December, 1939 (VMD)

42/1/F: Newspaper cuttings 1939

Cartoons and posters (JA, NM)


42/2/A: Observations, indirects

Handwritten and typed, (VMD, NM)

42/2/B: Observations, indirects

Typed (JA, AH)

42/2/C: Observations, indirects

Typed (JBA, HN, KB)

42/2/D: Observations, indirects

Typed and handwritten from various observers (not full-time personnel)


Typed extracts from observers' findings


42/3/A: Railway Posters 1939

Report, typed, on Railway Posters, 27.11.39, (TH)

Typed memo on Railway Poster Survey, Liverpool, 22.12.39, (AH)

Correspondence with Richard Temple (TH) re poster survey

Handwritten notes (TH) re poster survey

42/3/B: "Keep it Dark" Poster Survey, October 1939

Direct and indirect interviews, typed and handwritten, London, (JA, AH, VMD, HP)

Handwritten analysis

2 copies of poster plus one tracing

Handwritten notes (TH) and correspondence with RA Bevan (MOI)

Typed report on position of poster 18.10.39

Handwritten report on location of poster 16.10.39 (AH)

Typed report on "Keep it Dark" poster, 18.10.39

42/3/C: Anti-Gossip posters 1939-40

3 sketches of posters, 11.12.39 (JA)

Handwritten notes (TH)

Typed statement, Ministry of Information, 6.2.40

Press-cuttings and typed notes on "Careless Talk Costs Lives" posters by Fougasse. See Poster Nos. 3-10. Also "Careless Talk..." posters not by Fougasse, Nos. 11-13, 52 & 53

42/3/D: "Grab, Grab, Grab" Poster April 1940

For copy of poster see Poster Folder, No.55

Typed directs, April 1940 (PF, JA, HP, BA)

Letter to (TH) from Dr RA Macdonald, critique of the poster, typed copy

Points emerging from the test material, typed (TH), 12.4.40

2 typed drafts of report by M-O on poster, 16.4.40

42/3/E: Gas Mask Poster August 1941

Letter requesting report from Ministry of Information to (TH), 27.6.41

Handwritten observations and directs, London (HP, NN, HH, JS), Worcester (VT, DH, CF, MS)

Analysis sheets

42/3/F: "Victory V" Campaign July-September 1941

Handwritten & typed reports, indirects (VT, BW, HP, PN, JSF, DH, VW, HH) and other non full-time observers, London, Letchworth, Ipswich & Oxford

Press-cuttings re "Victory V"

Typed report on the "Victory V" campaign (BB), 8.9.41, (including 2 appendices)

42/3/G: Miscellaneous 1941

Handwritten notes on hoardings, 13.9.41 (JA) and posters, Notting Hill Gate (VT)

Typed observations on posters, 3.5.41 (LE)

Handwritten notes (TH)

Handwritten notes on Government posters, Worcester (MS)

Correspondence, (TH) and Advertising agencies, August 1941


42/4/A: Poster surveys 1939-43

(Contains tied bundles of cards "Sketches of posters", marked 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3C, 4, 5, 6)

Typed analysis of posters, Fulham, 11.2.40 (HP). (See cards 1A, 1B)

Handwritten anaysis of posters, West End, 17.2.40 (HP). (See cards 1A, 1B)

Typed memo to (TH) on posters, 22.6.40 (LE)

Cards 2A & 2B January 1940, Fulham (CP)

Cards 3A & 3B August 1940, Fulham, Holborn & Westminster (HP), analysis sheets

Typed observations, August 1940, Worcester (JA)

Typed observations & overheards, Navy Display in shop windows, 31.7.40

Typed observations, August-December, London 1940 (HP)

Handwritten & typed observations, London June 1941 (VW, HP). (See cards 4)

Handwritten & typed observations, London October 1942 (HP, LB). (See cards 5)

Handwritten poster survey, April 1943 (EG). (See cards 6)

42/4/B: Poster Survey Special Area (Bolton) February 1940

Summary and analysis. Typed observations (AH, HN, GT)

42/4/C: Red Army Poster August 1941

Handwritten & typed indirects, London (DH, MS, VT, CF, EL). For copy of poster see Poster Folder, No 54

42/4/D: Miscellaneous 1939-42

Press-cuttings re posters 1940

Correspondence: (TH) to Basil Nicholson 21.11.39; GH Sibley to (NM) with 3 copies of anti-pessimism poster 11.3.40; (BW) to Miss L Lawtrey 6.6.40; W. Turner to Miss L Lawtrey 14.6.40; copy of 'No Depression' notice; John Waddington to (BW) 28.4.42; Maison Prunier to (BW) 11.5.42

Copy of leaflet announcing WEA poster competition, August 1942

42/4/E: Black Widow poster defacement 1946

Observations and sketches of defacements, London, handwritten and typed (LB, ML, JMK, TT, NP, GST, MD)

42/4/F: Poster defacement London (1946?)

42/4/G: "Work or Want" campaign June 1947. Economic Information Unit questionnaire December 1949

Press-cutting 26.6.47

Typed observations of posters, June 1947, London (HPD)

Leaflet, draft questionnaire

Handwritten memo and notes

Typed list of places for leaflet distribution


42/5/A: John Bull questionnaire February-March 1946, London

Questionnaire replies and general impressions, typed & handwritten (LB, VT, MS, HW, ML, GST, TRT, AC)

Typed draft of investigation method, 26.2.46

Bookstall observations and interviews

2 copies of questionnaire

Press-cutting with Vicky Cartoon News Chronicle 22.4.47

42/5/B: Analysis

Copy of John Bull magazine 2.3.46 in base of box


(L) = Large poster

(M) = Medium size

(S) = Small

Poster 1: "The Forces of Darkness" (L)

Printed for The Poster Fund

Received by M-O 2.10.40

Comments from back: "This poster is up on many hoardings and displayed in windows now" (BW) Thompson, Hornsey

Poster 2: "Beware....Above All Never Give Away the Movements of H.M. Ships" (S)

Printed for HMSO

Poster 3: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "but for heavens sake don't say I told you"(Fougasse) (S)

Poster 4: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "Of course there's no harm in your knowing!" (Fougasse) (S)

Poster 5: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "Strictly between you and me" (Fougasse) (S)

Poster 6: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "Be careful what you say and where you say it" (Fougasse) (S)

Poster 7: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "You never know who's listening" (Fougasse) (S)

Poster 8: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "Strictly between these four walls!" (Fougasse) (S)

Poster 9: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "Don't forget that walls have ears!" (Fougasse) (S)

Poster 10: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "But of course it mustn't go any further" (Fougasse) (S)

Poster 11: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "Cheerio Old Lad, Good Luck Tomorrow" "They Talked-This Happened" (M)

Printed by HMSO for MOI

Received by M-O 20.7.40

Poster 12: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "I know where he's going" "They Talked-This Happened" (M)

Printed by HMSO

Donated by Mr Spender

Poster 13: Careless Talk Costs Lives: "Now up at our Works"..."He Talked-This Happened" (M)

Printed by HMSO

Received by M-O 20.7.40

Poster 14: "More Ships-Come on" "War Savings are Warships"(L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 26.3.42

Comments on front of poster: "Post E, Nursery Day School, Westbonne Schools, Gt Western Rd, Paddington", (LB)

Poster 15: "Rumour mongers......." "..... Talk Victory" (M)

Comments from back: "Printed and devised at the Deane Printing Works, 40 Princedale Rd, London W11, a small backstreet printer. Displayed in the window for sale at 2d each. Assistant says that about 3 doz. copies have been sold to chance customers which he considers good"

Poster 16: "The More We're All Prepared.......National Service" (Chanley Studios) (L)

Printed by HMSO (No. 98 duplicate)

Received by M-O 29.8.41

Donated by McPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 17: Metropolitan: "Carnival 2nd House Friday" "Barrie Baldrick and Tom Gamble present...." (L)

Received by M-O 8.8.40 (LE)

Poster 18: Lend to Defend..... (John Pilmott): "Buy National Savings Certificates" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41

Comments on back: "in Aberdeen"

Poster 19: Lend to Defend "Buy Defence Bonds" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 20: "Hitler will send no Warning" "So always carry your gas mask" (L) (3 copies)

Printed by HMSO for Ministry of Home Security

Received by M-O 21.7.41

Comments on back: "Gasmask" (?)

Poster 21: "Even the Walls" "S'long Dad!" "Blimey, I nearly said it!" (Bruce Bairnsfather) (L)

Received by M-O end of October 1939

Poster 22: "Opinion" "Thank the workers" "Was your train late?" "With Acknowledgements to the Daily Express" (L)

Printed for British Railways

Poster 23: "The Nation Needs Road Transport" "Keep Your Car on the Road" (L)

Issued with the authority of the Motor Trade War Executive

Received by M-O 25.4.40

Comments on back: "Motor Trade War Executive"

Poster 24: "Keep Your Road Wheels Turning-and increase National Efficiency" (L)

Issued with the authority of the Motor Trade War Executive

Received by M-O 25.4.40

Comments on back: "Motor Trade War Executive"

Poster 25: "Keep Your Car on the Road-and Men in Employment" (L)

Issued with the authority of the Motor Trade War Executive

Received by M-O 25.4.40

Comments on back: "Motor Trade War Executive"

Poster 26: "Grammar School Hall-Doncaster" "Tuesday, June 9th at 7" "Musical Culture Limited present Basil Cameron" (photo: Clifford Cake, London) (L)

Poster 27: "Grammar School Hall-Doncaster" "Musical Culture Limited presents the London Philharmonic Orchestra" "Tuesday, June 9th at 7 p.m." "Conductor: Basil Cameron" (L)

Comments on back: received by M-O 17.6.42 (from) Ayres, Aberdeen

Poster 28: "The Roel Summer School of Puppetry" "August 1940" (S)

Comments on back: received by M-O August 1940 from Hartley Muswell School

Poster 29: "Metropolitan Theatre of Varieties" (London), billing for "Monday, July 15th" (L)

Received by M-O July 1940 (LE)

Poster 30: "Go To It" "METROPOLITAN" (Theatre); "Monday, July 22nd" (L)

Received by M-O July 1940

Comments on back: "N.B. Slogan "Go To it" title, Morrison's Catchword" (LE)

Posters 31-51: "METROPOLITAN" (Theatre), billing for:

"Monday, May 20th" (L)
"Monday, April 29th" (L)
"Monday, April 22nd" (L)
"Monday, March 18th" (L)
"Monday, April 1st" (L)
"Monday, May 6th" (L)
"Monday, Feb. 26th" (L)
"Monday, March 11th" (L)
"Monday, Feb. 5th" (L)
"Monday, Feb 19th" (L)
"Monday, March 4th" (L)
"Monday, June 10th" (L). Received by M-O 18.6.40 (LE)
"Monday, May 27th" (L). Received by M-O 18.6.40 (LE)
"Monday, June 3rd" (L). Received by M-O 18.6.40 (LE)
"Monday, June 17th" (L). Received by M-O June 1940 (LE)
"Monday, July 1st" (L). Received by M-O July 1940 (LE)
"Monday, August 26th" (L). Received by M-O 07.9.40 (LE)
"Monday, August 19th" (L). Received by M-O August 1940 (LE)
"Monday, August 12th" (L). Received by M-O August 1940 (LE)
"Monday, September 22nd" (L). Received by M-O September 1940 (LE)
"Monday, May 13th" (L)

Poster 52: "A Few Careless Words May End In This" (picture of warships: Norman Wilkinson) (S)

Printed for HMSO

Poster 53: Careless Talk Costs Lives.."He's Sailing Tomorrow For....." "She Talked.................." (M)

Printed for HMSO

Received by M-O 20.7.40

Poster 54: "The Red Army's Fight is Your Fight!" "Aid Soviet-Smash Hitler" (picture: Davy) (S)

Printed for the ECI London District of the CP

Received by M-O 10.8.41 Comments: see Weekly Report

No. 96 duplicate

Poster 55: "Nazi War Aims" Revealed by secret Nazi Map-circulated in 1937 (picture of Nazi map) "Grab! Grab!! Grab!!!" (M)

No. 67 duplicate

Poster 56: "Atomic Threat" "Join Federal Union" (L)

Printed for Speedee Press Services Ltd, London (TU all depts)

Poster 57: Sunday Express article (being processed)

Received by M-O 3.8.41

Comments on back: "Holidays 1937-47"

Poster 58: "Britain's Air Offensive" "RAF Attacks on Germany" map of Ruhr Area (L)

Printed for HMSO

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 59: Dundee War Weapons Week "1st to 8th February" ("Tanks") "Savings Groups Double Up!" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Comments from back: "Join the Crusade", "Save and Lend for Victory", "Dundee War Weapons Week", "These Posters were exhibited in establishments where Savings Groups were in operation"

Poster 60: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "February 8th to 15th" "Buy British Bonds & Certificates" ("Save Now or Never") (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 61: War Weapons Week; Aberdeen Savings Bank; "Pound the enemy with your Pounds!" (L)

Printed for the Trustee Savings Bank

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 62: The Silver City's Golden Opportunity. Aberdeen's War Weapons Week:."February 8th to 15th" "Buy British Bonds & Certificates" "Save Now or Never" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 63: National Savings War Weapons Week "Be British-Buy Bonds" (M)

Poster 64: "Be So Proud of the Race to Which You Belong.." "In thought Faith.." "No one of us could offer for our country.......any better prayer today" - Lord Halifax at Oxford, 29 February, 1940 (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 65: "A Tous Les Francais"."Vive La France!" - General de Gaulle (Headquarters: 4 Carlton Gdns. London SW1) (L)

Printed for General de Gaulle

Received by M-O 29.18.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 66: "Spare a Trinket" Fund, ATS, An Exhibition of Royal Gifts" "Gifts given by Her Majesty The Queen and other members of the Royal Family, will be exhibited.......", ATS Trinket Fund, 221 Union St, Aberdeen (M)

Printed for the ATS

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 67: "Nazi War Aims" Revealed by secret Nazi Map-circulated in 1937 (picture of Nazi map) "Grab! Grab!! Grab!!!" (M)

Received by M-O 29.11.39

No. 55 duplicate

Comments from back: "War Office Posters" (KB)

Poster 68: Dundee War Weapons Week: "lst to 8th February" "Buy Buy for Victory" "Bye Bye to Hitler" ("TANKS") (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41

Comments from back: "These posters were used for general exhibition throughout the city"

Poster 69: Dundee War Weapons Week: "lst to 8th February" "Save at Top Speed" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Comments from back: "These posters were used for general exhibition throughout the city"

Poster 70: War Weapons Week:."Dundee Savings Bank" "Pound the enemy with your Pounds" (S)

Comments from back: "These are examples of special and over-printed posters exhibited in the city"

Poster 71: Dundee War Weapons, Week lst to 8th February; "Convoy your Country to Victory" "Buy National Savings Certificates" (Rowland Hilder) (S)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Comments from back: " These are examples of special and over-printed posters exhibited in the city

Poster 72: Dundee War Weapons Week; "Invest your Savings Today for Victory" (S)

Comments from back: "These are examples of special and over-printed posters exhibited in the city"

Poster 73: "Pull Your Weight" "Form A Savings Group Now !" (Pat Keely) Dundee War Weapons Week (S)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Comments from back: "These posters were exhibited in establishments where Savings Groups were in operation"

Poster 74: Dundee War Weapons Week "Up wi' the Savings......." "Deposit them with the Government through the-Dundee Savings Bank" (S)

Comments from back: " These posters were exhibited in establishments where Savings Groups were in operation

Poster 75: "Lend to Defend the Right to be Free" "Buy Defence Bonds ... from Banks & Post Offices" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 76: "Lend to Defend His Right to be Free" "Buy Defence Bonds" (Tom Purvis) (S)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 77: "Join the Crusade" "Buy National War Bonds" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 78: "Convoy your Country to Victory" picture of flagship (Rowland Hilder) "Buy National Savings Certificates" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 79: "Convoy your Country to Victory" picture of flagship (Rowland Hilder) "Buy National Savings Certificates" (S)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 80: "Save for the brave!" (A Brener) (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 81: "Can You Read Old Scots" Appeal for War Savings "It's Ill to be Aul'" Dr Charles Murray (L)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 82: "National Progress" Old-New "National Savings" "Join Our National Savings Group" (L)

Printed by Scottish Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 83: "Save your way to Victory" "Buy National Savings Certificates" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 84: "Remember! Aberdeen's War Weapons Week" "Save your way to Victory" (S)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Comments from back: "Dundee War Weapons Week: this poster is an example of a special appeal by a firm in the city to its employees"

Poster 85: Aberdeen War Weapons Week "Invest your savings today for Victory" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 86: Aberdeen War Weapons Week "Tanners for Spanners" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 87: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "Scots Wha Hae-Gie" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 88: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "Aberdeen Calling All Stations" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 89: County of Aberdeen War Weapons Week "Save Till It Hurts Hitler" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 90: "Support Aberdeen" (picture of soldiers firing) "War Weapons Week Feb 8-15" 'MMM' (M)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 91: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "Let Your Dough Stop the Foe" (M)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 92: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "Shell Out and Out Shell" (M)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 93: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "We Need Every Maik" "Our Freedom's at Stake" (M)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 94: Dundee War Weapons Week "To put Dundee on the map" "Play up Valentine's" (M)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 95: War Weapons Week "Aberdeen Savings Bank" "Pound the enemy with your Pounds" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 96: "The Red Army's Fight...." "The Communist Party says Act Now !" "Aid Soviet-Smash Hitler!" (S)

Printed for London district of the CPGB

Received by M-O 27.7.41

Comments from back: " see weekly report of 10/8/41" (CF)

No. 54 duplicate

Poster 97: "Mightier Yet!" (picture of warship) "In ships, tonnage and gunpower........and another million tons of British warships are building" (L)

Printed by HMSO for MOI

Received by M-O 20.7.40

Poster 98: "The More We're a....." "The Safer They Will Be" (ripped poster-bottom cut off) (Chanley Studios) (L)

Received by M-O 8.10.40

Comments from back: (?)"pre-war poster used in wrapping parcel from MOI"

No. 16 duplicate

Poster 99: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "Dinna Be late......Tae pit a date on Hitler's fate" (L)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 100: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "Dundee has set the pace Aberdeen must win the race. We must beat £2,000, 000" (L)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 101: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "More Funds...More Guns...Less Huns" (L)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 102: County of Aberdeen War Weapons Week "Feb 15th-22nd" "Dinna Be Blate......On Hitler's Fate" (L)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 103: Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "There's an 'L' of a Difference Between Save and Slave" (L)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 104: "Give thanks to the everyday heroes of Britain's Merchant Navy" (extra large poster)

Printed by HMSO for MOI

Received by M-O 19.8.40

Comments from back: "MOI (?) shop display of Merchant Navy poster, used in displays during the past 3 weeks. Report written on reactions to the poster."

Poster 105: "The Welsh Guards urgently require Welshman........" "His Majesty's Army" (L)

Printed by HMSO

Received by M-O end November 1939

Poster 106: "Stick to Beer" (Ashley) (S)

Poster 107: "We kneel only to Thee" (picture of soldier kneeling), by Clive Upton (Reprinted from the Sunday Graphic) (Please display this Poster) (M)

Printed by HMSO for MOI

Poster 108: "Take up the challenge!" "Buy National War Bonds" (M)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 109: "When? It's up to you!" (L)

Received by M-O 17.11.41

Comments from back: "Poster from Accles & Pollock-CTI factory, Oldbury, Birmingham, printed in Canada"

Poster 110: Ministry of Aircraft Aluminium Campaign (picture) WVS "Turn your Pans into Planes" (extra large poster)

Received by M-O July 1940

Comments from back: printed and designed without charge by Odham's Press for WVS Housewives Service

Poster 111: Auxiliary Territorial Service "Women needed for the following duties........" (L)

Printed by HMSO

Received by M-O mid Nov 1939

Poster 112: "General painting Avoids......Save Your Home with Robbialac Paints.....W Urquhart Ltd, 157 Notting Hill Gate, W11" (L)

Received by M-O 16.8.40

Comments from back: "These posters are two of a series displayed outside two or three newsagents' shops in the Holland Park Avenue area during July-August 1940" (BW)

Poster 113: "Your Duty to The State: Keep your Property in a good 'State' with Robbialac Paints..." "W. Urquhart Ltd...." (large poster folded in half)

Received by M-O 16.8.40

Comments from back: "These posters are two of a series displayed outside two or three newsagent's shops in the Holland Park Avenue area during July-August 1940" (BW)

Poster 114: "Theatre Royal" "Royal Raceford Presents a...." "Follow The Girls" (M)

Received by M-O September 1940

Comments from back: "Worcester" (JA)

Poster 115: Dundee War Weapons Week: "Savings Groups Double Up!". "Save at Top Speed!" (L)

printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 116: "Declaration by the General Council of the Trades Union Congress" (S)

printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Poster 117: "War Savings Campaign" "A Personal Appeal from the Minister of Labour and National Service" Ernest Bevin (S)

Printed for Scottish Savings Committee

Poster 118: "Savings Boom: Hitler's Doom!" Aberdeen's War Weapons Week "Better a Bond than a Bomb!" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 119: "Savings.........." County of Aberdeen War Weapons Week "Better a Bond than a Bomb!" (S)

Received by M-O 29.8.41 from MacPhail, Aberdeen

Poster 120: "Brighter Birmingham" Horse Show & Gymkhana...all profits to Lord Mayor's War Relief Fund. (L)

Printed for the City of Birmingham, "Holidays at Home" programme

Received by M-O August 1942

Poster 121: "The Trade Journal for Shopkeepers and Smalltraders" (L)

Received by M-O January 1940 (?)

Notes: (JH)

Poster 122: Warship Week Paddington 21-28.3.42 "You Can Sink Submarines by Saving Sixpences" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 26.3.42

Notes: (LB) Post E, Day Nursery, Westbourne Schools, Great Western Rd

Poster 123: Paddington 21-28.3.42 "Programme of Events" (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 26.3.42

Notes: (LB) Day Nursery, Westbourne Schools, Great Western Rd

Poster 124: "War Savings are Warships" (Norman Wilkinson. P.R.I.) (L)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 26.3.42

Notes: (LB) Post E, Day Nursery, Westbourne Schools, Great Western Road

Poster 125: Warship Week "A Message From The Prime Minister" (M)

Printed by HMSO for National Savings Committee

Received by M-O 26.3.42

Notes: (LB) Post E, Day Nursery, Westbourne Schools, Great Western Road

Poster 126: Gas Attack "How to put on your gas mask" (L)

Printed for HMSO

Notes: See File Report 800

Poster 127: Gas Attack "How to put on your gas mask" (L)

Printed for HMSO

Notes: See File Report 800

Poster 128: Poster listing Administrative Centres for War Damge-Portsmouth. (L)

Printed for Grosvenor Press, Blackfriars Rd, Portsmouth

Received by M-O 25.8.41

Notes: (MT) From Town and District Survey, 66/17/F

Poster 129: Shufeldt for Chelsea ... Labour for Progress (L)

Printed for Labour Party (Chelsea)

Notes: From TC 76/3/D: General Elections

Poster 130: Help Him Finish the Job, Vote National (S)

Printed for Conservative Party

Received by M-O 27.6.45

Notes: From TC 76/2/G: General Elections

Poster 131: Help Him Finish the Job, Vote National (S)

Printed for Conservative Party

Received by M-O 27.6.45

Notes: From TC 76/2/G: General Elections

Poster 132: Vote for Shufeldt Labour (M)

Printed for Labour Party, Chelsea

Notes: From TC 76/3/D: General Elections

Poster 133: After 4 years hard Labour (L)

Printed for Conservative Party

Notes: From TC 76/4/D: General Elections

Poster 134: "You Wouldn't Put Out..." (L)

Printed for Labour Party

Notes: From TC 76/4/D: General Elections

Poster 135: Remember ? (L)

Printed for Labour Party

Notes: From TC 76/4/D General Elections

Poster 136: Vote Fletcher, Labour (M)

Printed for Labour Party (Islington)

Notes: From TC 76/4/E General Elections

Poster 137: Vote For Wilmot (S)

Printed for Conservative Party (Islington)

Notes: From TC 76/4/E General Elections

Poster 138: Vote For George Rogers (L)

Printed for Labour Party (North Ken)

Notes: From TC 76/4/G General Elections

Poster 139: "If You Can Say..." (M)

Printed for Conservative Party

Notes: From TC 76/6/B General Elections

Poster 140: Make Britain Great Again (S)

Printed for Conservative Party

Notes: From TC 76/6/B General Elections

Poster 141: Socialist Advance (L)

Printed for Labour Party

Notes: From TC 76/6/C General Elections

Poster 142: Vote For Mayhew (L)

Printed for Conservative Party (East Ham North)

Notes: From TC 76/4/C General Elections

Poster 143: The Cow That Jumped Over The Moon... (M)

Printed for Aims of Industry

Notes: From TC 76/6/H General Elections

Poster 144: Labour Gets Things Done (L)

Printed for Labour Party (Hertfordshire)

Notes: From TC 84/1/E: Local Council Elections

Poster 145: Urgently Required Labour Party (L)

Printed for Labour Party (Hertfordshire)

Notes: From TC 84/1/E: Local Council Elections

Poster 146: Urgently Required (L)

Printed for Labour Party (Hertfordshire)

Notes: From TC 84/1/E: Local Council Elections

Poster 147: Stop ... Vote For Palmer (S)

Printed for Independant County Council Candidate (Hampshire)

Notes: From TC 84/1/E: Local Council Elections

Poster 148: "London Pride" (S)

Printed for London County Council Elections, 7.3.47

Notes: Labour Party Election Magazine, from TC 84/1/F: Local Council Elections

Poster 149: "Harrowell for Bradshaw" (M)

Printed for Labour Party (Watford)

Notes: From TC 84/1/G: Local Council Elections

Poster 150: Good Counsel ... Vote For Chamberlain Hailstone (M)

Printed for Labour Party (Merton & Morden)

Notes: From TC 84/1/G: Local Council Elections

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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