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Worktown Collection (1937-40)
Box 17: Non-Conformists, Methodists Mazdaznan, Missions & Sects
17/A Non-conformist association
"Bolton Non-Conformist Ass.", ts, 14pp, JW, meeting to discuss the formation of an association
17/B Methodism
"Methodism", ts, 4pp, an account of Methodism and its structure
Untitled document, ms, 4pp, Mary Walsh for M-O, Harvey St. Methodist Church
"Harvey St Meth Christian Endeavour", ms, 2pp, J. Whitaker for M-O
"Harvey St Football Clubs", ms, 1p, J. Whitaker for M-O
Untitled document, ms, 5pp, Christian Endeavour, Harvey Street
Letter, ms, 2pp, 8.3.38, about Harvey St.
Letter, from Mrs Taylor, ms 1p, about Harvey St.
"Flowers", ms, 1p, the flower mission
"Methodist", ms, 4pp, background details of Bridge St. Church and Methodism
- Observer accounts of services and other activities at the following churches and halls:
- "Kings Hall", ms, 4pp, 23.2.38, AVW
- "Commemoration Meeting at the Wesleyan Hall .......", ts, 6pp, 6.3.38, BCP, hymn attached
- "Fletcher St. Methodist Church", ms, 12pp, 23.5.[?], THH
- "Fletcher St. Sermons", ms, 1p, 25.5.[?], WH, (incomplete)
- "Sermon at Castle Hill Methodists", ts, 1p, list of words used
- "Castle St Methodist", ms, 2pp, 18.4.37, EL
- "Castle Hill Methodists", ms, 5pp, 18.7.[?], JW
- "Sermon of the Rev. Dinsdale at Castle St. Methodists", ts, 1p, JW
- "Sermon in Castle St Methodist Chruch(sic)", ts, 2pp, 1.8.[?] TH
- "Report on the behaviour of old lady ... Castle St. Methodist Church", ts, 1p, 1.8.[?], DSJ
- "Noble Str. Ind Meth", ms, 21.8.[?], illustrated
- "Harvey Street Methodist", ms, 3pp, 20.3.[?], WH
- "Victoria Hall", ms, 15pp, 16.1.38, JW
- "Victoria Hall", ms, 11pp, 21.1.[38], JW
- "Wesley B-Centenary. Victoria Hall", ts, 24.5.[38] 14pp, JW
- "Victoria Hall Methodist", ms, 16pp, 8.8.[38}, JW
- "Analysis of Weslyan Methodist Sermon", 1.8.[?], ts, 2pp
- "Adelaide St. Methodist Church", ts, 6pp, 6.9.[?], JW
- "Commemoration Meeting at the Wesleyan Hall .......", ts, 6pp, 6.3.38, BCP, hymn attached
Index cards (11) references to religion
Poster "Truth is Fair Play" [damaged]
Misc ms/ts 3pp
17/C Mazdaznan
- Observer accounts of meetings
- "Mazdaznan", ms, 11pp, 12.4.37, [JW]
- "Account of Evening Meeting Mazdaznan Society", ts, 7pp, 2.3.38, BP
- "Meeting of Mazdaznan", ts, 9pp, 9.3.38, BCP, with ms of song 3pp, BCP
- "Mazdaznan", ts, 6pp, 9.3.38 [BCP]
- "Mazdaznan Devotional Service", ts, 13.3.38, [BCP]
- "Mazdaznan Meeting", ts, 9pp, 16.3.38, BCP
- "Mazdaznan", ms, 15pp, 8.7.[38]
- "Account of Evening Meeting Mazdaznan Society", ts, 7pp, 2.3.38, BP
Song sheets (4) "Mazdaznan"
Handbill "Mazdaznan"
17/D Missions
"St Simon and Judes", ts, 2pp, 10.3.38, THH, data from Harry Loftus
"St. Barnabas, C.E.M.S...", index card, ts, 14.3.38, THH
- Observer accounts of classes, meetings and services
- "St. Pauls Schools", ms, 11pp, 28.4.[38], THH, bible
class meeting
- "Centenary of Manchester City Mission", ms, 1p, 12.6.[?], [THH], meeting at Bradshaw Hall
- "Vallets Mission", ms, 11pp, 8.8.[?], JW
- "Gladys St Mission", ms, 1p, 30.8.[?], [JW]
- "Queen Str. Mission", ts, 4pp, 10.10.[?], DSJ
- "St. Simon and Judes C.E.M.S.", ts, 8pp, 14.12.[?], JW
- "Centenary of Manchester City Mission", ms, 1p, 12.6.[?], [THH], meeting at Bradshaw Hall
Song sheets (2) "Bolton Mission", 10.4.38
17/E Religious sects
Index cards (2), "Bank Streey (sic) Unitarian", ts, instructions for observations
Paper folders containing observer accounts of services and meetings at churches, chapels and halls
- Unitarian Chapel
- "Sunday Evening Service. Unitarian Chapel", ms, 4pp,
20.2.38, NC
- "Unitarian Chapel", ms, 2pp, 20.2.38, AVW
- "Bank Street Unitarian", ts, 1p, 27.2.[38], (incomplete)
- "Bank Street Unitarian", ts, 2pp, 27.2.[38], (incomplete)
- "Service at Bank Street Unitarian Church", ts, 3pp, 20.3.38, BCP
- "Bank Street Unitarian", ts, 4pp, 24.4.38, JB
- "Unitarian Chapel", ms, 2pp, 20.2.38, AVW
"Brethren", ts, 1p, 4.5.[38], JW
- Out and Out Chapel
- "Out and Out Mission Hall", ms, 11pp, 1.4.37, [JW]
- "Out and Out Mission", ts, 3pp, 17.4.38, WH
- Christian Science
- "Church of Christ Science", ms, 3pp, 4.4.37, JW
- "Report on Christian Science Service at Bromwich St. Ch., ts, 2pp, 6.4.[37], DSJ
- "Christian Science Testimony Meeting, ms, 19pp, 11.8.37, JW
- "Christian Science Quarterly", ms, 1p, 5.9.37
- Untitled document, ms, 11pp, 5.9.37
- "Report on Christian Science Service at Bromwich St. Ch., ts, 2pp, 6.4.[37], DSJ
"Christian Science Church Evening Service", ms, 1p, 19.12.37, EB
"Conversation between C. Sci and James and Joe", ms, 1p, 5.4.[?], JT
Letter from Dorothy Kemp to Tom Harrisson, ms, 2pp, enclosing verses from the Christian Science Church service, ms, 14pp
Index cards (2) reference to Christian Science
- Free or New Church
- "Bolton Free Church Emanuel Swedenborg Service", ms,
6pp, 31.1.38, WH
- Untitled document, ts, 7pp, an address on the question "Why don't young people come to church"
- Untitled document, ts, 3pp, prayers, benediction and hymns
- Misc, ms, 1p
- Printed letter "The General Conference of the New Church", 12.37
- Printed service sheet "A Service of Thanksgiving in Remembrance of the Birth and Mission of Emanuel Swedenborg 1688-1772"
- Index card, ms, reference to Halliwell Rd Free Church
- Misc, ms, 1p
- Untitled document, ts, 7pp, an address on the question "Why don't young people come to church"
- Presbyterian
- Booklet: St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church of England,
Bolton, 2.5.37
- "Service at Presbyterian Church, Bowker's Row", ts, 4pp, 20.3.38, BCP
- "Presbyterian Church, Bowkers Row", ms, 6pp, 2.5.[38], THH
- "Service at Presbyterian Church, Bowker's Row", ts, 4pp, 20.3.38, BCP
- Bethel
- "Pastor Jefferies, Audience Response", ts, 3pp,
22.1.38, FHC
- "Pastor Jeffreys", ms, 8pp, 22.1.38, EB
- "The Bethel: Pastor Jeffries", ms, 4pp, 22.1.38, WH
- "Emotional effect of the Bethel", ms, 15pp, 13.6.[38], WH
- "Bethel Evangelistic Church", ms, 22pp, 13.6.[38], JW
- "Service at Bethel Chapel", ms, 10pp, 10.7.38, DMH
- Index card, ts, 23.12.[38], THH reference to Bethel
- "Pastor Jeffreys", ms, 8pp, 22.1.38, EB
- Pentecostal League of Prayer
- "Pentecostal League of Prayer Tea-Party", ts, 3pp,
8.1.[38], BB printed prayer card attached
- "Meeting of the Pentecostal League of Prayer", ts, 3pp, 13.3.38, BCP
- "The Pentecostal League of Prayer", ms, 8pp, 8.5.[38], WH
- "Hymn Sheet No. 7"
- "Meeting of the Pentecostal League of Prayer", ts, 3pp, 13.3.38, BCP
- Quakers
- "Quaker Meeting at Friends' Meeting House", ts, 3pp,
13.3.38, [BCP]
- "Quaker Meeting. Tipping St.", ts, 8pp, 1.5.[38], JW
17/F Religious sects
Paper folders containing observer accounts of services and meetings at churches, chapels, missions and halls
- Christadelphian
- Untitled document, ms, 5pp, 29.4.37, JW, a lecture at
Spinners Hall
- "Report about Christ adelphians (sic) meeting", ts, 2pp, 31.8.38, GW
- Beulah
- "Beulah Hall, Bank St.", ts, 14pp, 27.2.[?], JW
- "Beulah Hall", ts, 11pp, 13.4.[?], JW, women's service
- "Beulah Full Gospel Hall", ms, 4pp, 14.5.38, TD
- Letter from Mrs. N. Houghton to Miss Phillipson, ms, 3pp, 9.6.38
- "Beulah Hall", ts, 11pp, 13.4.[?], JW, women's service
- Hebron
- "Service at Hebron Hall", ts, 8pp, 17.4.38, BCP
- Holiness
- "Holiness Mission", ms, 7pp, 3.1.37, JW, social
- "Holiness Tabernacle", ms, 13pp, 18.7.37, JW, Sunday school
- "Bolton Holiness Tabernacle", ts, 1p, 31.12.37, financial account
- Calling card "Request"
- "Holiness Tabernacle", ms, 13pp, 18.7.37, JW, Sunday school
- Harwood
- Harwood Methodist Church, ms 5pp, 15.8.[?]
- Harwood Primitive Methodist, ts, 5pp, 15.8.[?], THH
- Folds Road Independent Methodist Church, ms, 17pp, 22.8.[?], JHW
- "High Street Independent Methodist Church", ms, 8pp 22.8.[?], RP
- Harwood Primitive Methodist, ts, 5pp, 15.8.[?], THH
- Salvation Army
- "Salvation Army Egg Service", ms, 13pp, 1.4.[38], THH
- "Open Air Meeting Clarence Street", ts, 2pp, 3.4.[38], FHC
- "Salvation Army", ts, 1p, 3.4.38, BB, open air meeting
- "Salvation Army", ts, 3pp, 6.3.[38], JW
- "Open Air Meeting Clarence Street", ts, 2pp, 3.4.[38], FHC
Index cards (3) "Claremont Baptists", ts, 3.4.38
Misc, ms, 1p