Posted: Thu 5 Jan 2023, 10:50am.
We have received reports that the submission button for Turnitin, one of our Canvas assignment submission tool, has disappeared.
Please can you ensure you are using Chrome or Firefox to submit your assignment. It you still are not able to see the submit button please try zooming out, potentially as far as 25% and the button should re-appear.
Please pass this message on to your students who have assignments due today.
If you still have issues please contact Service Desk.
UPDATE: 6 Jan 2023 - 10:15am
Unfortunately the submission problem via Turnitin is ongoing. If you are struggling to submit via Turnitin, please be aware of the following:
If you are using a Mac, do NOT use Safari, instead make sure you are using Chrome
If you are using Chrome or Firefox and you select the file you want to submit but then can't find the submit button, this is the issue that Turnitin are working to resolve for us. In the meantime there is a work around that you can try. You need to zoom out (make everything smaller on your screen) in the browser and this should allow you to see the submit button. You may need to take the zoom down to 25% in order to see the button
In Chrome this can be done by clicking on the three vertical dots in the top right hand corner of the screen and selecting zoom, then clicking minus until you get to 25%

Turnitin have now resolved this issue and students can once again see the submit button without having to zoom in.