Department of International Relations


Transatlantic dialogue on FoRB

The need for international cooperation on policy surrounding FoRB issues is stronger than ever. From 2015-6, Universities of Sussex and Notre Dame led the project ‘Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) and Foreign Policy: A transatlantic dialogue for a multilateral approach to religious freedom’, funded by the British Council and Luce Foundation. The project resulted in two policy dialogues in the UK and US, a policy brief discussed at a meeting at the House of Lords.  and visit this page.

Preventing violent extremism

It is becoming ever clearer that solutions to combat violent extremism must also consider conditions that facilitate it. One key response is to build open and plural societies in which FoRB is respected.

is a partnership between the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the 亚洲情色 to make available Open Access materials from the conference ‘Preventing Violent Extremism by building inclusive and plural societies: How Freedom of Religion or Belief can help’ hosted by the UK government on 19-20 October 2016.

Interreligious engagement

Engagement with religious actors and interreligious collaboration are crucial policy tools to promote FoRB and combat intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief. Religious actors should not only be seen by policy makers as victims or perpetrators of FoRB violations, but as partners in building long-term strategies to advance FoRB for all and foster pluralism, social cohesion and sustainable peace. RFPI led a multi-stakeholder process in partnership with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.