Sussex Researcher School

Doctoral School Online

This part of our newsletter highlights online resources, and helps you navigate and find information on our Doctoral School website

Researcher Development OnlineResearcher Development Progamme Online Modules

Our series of online resources provide an opportunity to learn and develop key research skills at a time and place that suits you. Covering the content of our workshops, you can work through them at your own pace. Modules are within Study Direct, so you’ll need your ITS username and password to log in. See Researcher Development Online for all further details.

Time & Project management

Written by a doctoral researcher this module will help you to  organise and plan your time during your doctoral research, and introduce you to productivity tools to aid your time and project management.

How to plan your PhD

Hugh Kearns returned to Sussex in February 2014 to present a very popular session on 'How to Plan your PhD'. His slides and audio from the session are available through Researcher Development Online.

If you have an idea for a module, or online resource that you think would be particularly helpful, get in touch with us at researcher-development@sussex.ac.uk.

Handbooks, Guides and Forms

The For Students pages of the Doctoral School site is where you'll find essential information, guides and forms for your research studies at Sussex. These interactive pages provide links to sections of the Handbook to help you find things quickly.

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk