Open Listening Programme Workshops
Posted on behalf of: EDI Unit
Last updated: Tuesday, 25 February 2025

At Sussex, passions and deeply held values are some of the University's great strengths. They can, however, occasionally result in conflict between colleagues. Although conflict is part of life and can lead to understanding, stronger relationships and positive change, it can sometimes cause harm.
We invite you to these experiential and practical workshops, which are one component of the University’s Open Listening Programme. The workshops will give you the opportunity to explore:
Conflict Theory
- What happens when we disagree?
- We will offer models for understanding the dynamics of conflict, exploring reactions, positional and personal power, choices and outcome-based responses.
Open Listening Space
- What helps or hinders us in speaking and being heard?
- We will explore the principles and intentions of Open Listening Space, and you will have the opportunity to try out a process for listening and speaking.
No previous experience is required, just an open mind and a willingness to engage.
Feedback from our pilot sessions included:
- I felt very heard and noticed the difference between this process and a typical conversation. I liked the focus on purposeful listening.
- It was valuable. It got me thinking about a lot of things, and even yesterday later, I would say, resulted in my operating differently with those I was around.
- Certain parts of the session were very revelatory.
- Quite searching exercises but very well managed to create a supportive environment.
- I think this could be very useful for bringing about positive change at Sussex in a meaningful way.
- It was a very powerful session.
Open Listening Spaces offer a safe environment to develop your capacity to participate in inclusive conversations, speak about your own experiences and allow different perspectives. At times this may feel uncomfortable, your level of participation is completely your choice. Our aim is to be accessible and inclusive for all participants across different identities and life experiences.
Upcoming workshop dates:
26 March 2025, 9:30am until 1:30pm, on campus
7 May 2025, 9:30am until 1:30pm, on campus
Target Audience: All Staff (Academic, Technical and Professional Services)
Delivered by: Jassy Denison and associates. Jassy is available if you have any questions before registering - email her on
To book your place please register here: