Broadcast: News items
Announcing the Summer of Research 2024
Posted on behalf of: Sussex Research Culture
Last updated: Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Summer of Research 2024
We are delighted to announce our festival celebrating research and impact at ÑÇÖÞÇéÉ« will return, Monday 20 May - Friday 21 June 2024.
Pushing the boundaries of knowledge in creative ways, for the benefit of society, has always been fundamental to our mission at Sussex. Whether you're involved in research or just curious to find out more, there will be something for everyone in the 2024 Summer of Research programme.
Professor Seb Oliver, Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Chair of the Summer of Research Working Group, said: "We are looking forward to working with you to deliver another vibrant research festival, highlighting the excellence of research at Sussex and growing our conversations around it.
"Your feedback following the festival pilot in 2023 showed overwhelming support for the Summer of Research and has helped us improve it, moving it earlier in the summer term and allowing plenty of time and options to get involved."
Look out for opportunities to get involved as the festival Working Group (colleagues from across our Schools and Divisions supporting research) reach out to Schools, starting with the and , celebrating great work, great ways of working and inspiring new initiatives. Encourage someone to apply - or why not think about applying yourself?
The festival programme will go live at the start of the Summer term, offering lots of ways learn about our exciting research and meet people working on things that interest you. You can grow your knowledge, your networks and your skills - or just enjoy finding out something new at lunchtime.